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Sales Page Examiner Pro- Sales Page Analysis And Reporting

Who Else Wants To...
Discover The Hidden Secrets of Successful Money-making
Infoproduct Sales Pages And Make Sure You Have
Created "Pulling" Sales Pages For Your Infoproducts
Examine...Any Infoproduct Sales Page and Get Detailed Reports
About What Makes These Pages So Successful

Sales Page Examiner Pro (2006) V2.0

Professional Infoproduct Sales Page Examining Software
Point and click interface
Analyzes sales pages for over 50 different parameters in three categories
Extensive Text Analysis Page Design?Analysis SEO Analysis

"You Ask Yourself! How This Software is Useful For Me?"
Have you ever wondered what makes a Sales Page successful?
Every website owner, selling ebooks, software, reports and other infoproducts should have answers to these questions??
How are meta tags, headlines, paragraphs, scripts, pictures, keywords, colors, fonts and over 50 different elements are tied together to make an Infoproduct Sales Page amazingly successful?
How is the Sales Page designed? Are the colors used web-safe?
What keywords are used? How frequently they are used? How are the keywords placed throughout the page?
Where and how does the Sales Page get listed on major search engines?
Are the keywords used found in the top 500 searches?
Get instant answers to many such questions about any Infoproduct Sales Page at the click of a button.
Sales Page Examiner Pro software can analyze any Sales Page and find out more than 50 features about the page that makes it a raving success.
Just point your mouse to the sales page location (url or a saved file on your hard disk) and click the "Start" button. The sales page gets downloaded immediately and analysis starts instantly.
Within seconds you will get a detailed report on more than 50 different elements of the given "Sales Page". View the results on your desktop or save for future reference. You can also email the results from within the software.

What Can I Do With This Software?
Instantly analyze any infoproduct sales page directly from the Internet and find out how the page has been designed. (Ebook sites, software sites, infoproduct sales pages)
Analyze your own ebook, software or infoproduct sales pages and compare the results with other successful, money-making web sites.
Get instant results for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for keywords in your sales pages.
Find out the Search Engine positions of your competitors.
Learn the techniques used by your competitors in designing their infoproduct sales pages.
Discover the keywords used by your competitors and how those keywords are used throughout their sales pages.
Easily understand how headings, fonts and colors are used.
Find out how many "hypnotic" words are used in any sales page that makes the visitor click the order button.
Discover the techniques like, copywriting, writing styles, persuasive phrases and power words used in any infoproduct sales page.
... all the above features and many more to give you complete control and power to build or tweak your sales pages so that your website brings you real cash and not just visitors.

Save Hundreds of Hours of Research Time
To build a successful sales page, you need to put in hundreds of hours of research to find out and implement various elements like colors, fonts, scripts, pictures, keywords etc.
You will also have to test, wait, tune-up, rework, redesign and repeat the process again and again so that your sales page is pulling as you expect it to be. All these exercises will kill your precious time.?
Do the right thing first time and save countless hours of research. Learn what the professionals are doing and find out how their sales pages are successful.?
All the details you need are made available to you instantly by using Sales Page Examiner Pro 2006 software.
Complete text, design and search-engine-optimization analysis on the click of a button.

"Your Infoproduct Sales Page Should Be Built To Make You Real Money, Fast"
Infoproduct Sales Pages are not ordinary web pages. They are built to pull in orders and make tons of money for the website owner.
Sales Page Examiner Pro- 2006 is the software you need to learn all about profit-pulling sales pages.
Give the website url or the name of the file stored on your hard disk and click "Start". The software instantly downloads the Sales Page and performs a detailed analysis within minutes.
The results can be viewed on your desktop or exported into a variety of formats including Word, Excel and CSV.
You can also email the results directly from the software.
Sales Page Examiner, SPA for short analyzes Sales Page text and reports all the details in an easy to understand format under three categories.

Page Text Analysis

Page Design Analysis

Search Engine Optimization Analysis

Know Everything About Any Sales Page Text Using The "Text Analysis Report" The Examiner Generates Instantly For You
Successful "Sales Pages" sell using words. The selection of proper words can make your site sell.?
Your sales copy will give your site enormous persuasive power by using certain proven "power" words and "hypnotic" phrases.
The way your sales page looks is also important and plays a vital role in making your website visitors to click on the "order" button.
Proper usage of bulleted text, underlined text, bold text, symbols, highlights, italics, clichés and phrases can make your sales page highly persuasive.
Gain amazing power and incredible insight into your own sales page or any other infoproduct sales page using "Sales Page Examiner Pro 2006" software.
Get all the details you want to know about any sales page instantly: -
List of Bold Text used in the page
List of all Hyperlinks
List of mailto: links
Minimum paragraph length used
Maximum paragraph length used
Page word count
List of Power words and Hypnotic words used
List of bulleted text
Text symbols used
Highlighted text used
Italicized text used
List of phrases inside quotes (" ")
Clichés used
Whether the links are Cloaked?
Number of times the reader is “told” to order / buy / get
Number of Bonus products listed
List of Headlines
List of Sub-headlines
Opening paragraph
Copyright Information
Contact Email on Page
Contact Phone on Page
Contact Fax on Page
Post Script Text
Design Analysis Report Will Give You All The Details You Want To Know About Various Design Elements Used In Any Sales Page
Sales page are designed keeping only one thing in mind - to get the visitor click on the "order" button.
There are tens of thousands of sales pages out there but only a fraction of them are making real money. Only about 5% of the sales pages are actually "pulling" orders and making all the money.
The secret to building a successful, money-making website lies in "Page Designing"
Your page should be designed to keep your visitors reading all you have got to say about your products and hitting the "order" button immediately.
To keep reading, your sales page should be designed in such a way that it is convenient to read, easy to understand, easy to navigate, should not strain the eyes of the reader and finally easy to order from you.
SALES PAGE EXAMINER PRO can analyze and produce results about all the design elements used in any sales page, including: -

Name of the Domain or website

Date when the Page was last updated

Page download time

Background color used

Is the sales letter copy long or short?

Number of Links Out / In?

Number of Forms used

Number of Fonts used

Number of Paragraphs

Number of Tables used

Number of Colors used

Whether Colors used are Web-safe?

List of Font used

Font Sizes used

Number of images/pictures used

Image sizes and alt tags

Audio on Page?

Video on Page?

Whether JavaScript is used?

Are Cookies used?

Are there any Applets in the Page?

Flash used?


Is the “Order” Link Secure?

Popup, pop under used?

"Search Engine Optimization Analysis" Is The Most Important Part of The Software. This Will Help You Find Out How The Sales Page Is Seen And Indexed By Search Engines
Using Sales Page Examiner Pro 2006 software, find out how any sales page is seen and indexed by major search engines.
Get instant analysis and report on keywords, density, placement, frequency, comments, position along with a list of all the meta tags used.?

Keyword Density Analysis

Keyword Frequency

Keyword Placement

Keywords in URL

Keywords found in Top Searches

Page Title

Page Title Description

Keywords Used

List of All Meta Tags

Comments (comment tags)

Search engine position analysis

Host info

Whois info
Let Sales Page Examiner get everything you ever wanted to know about any sales page.

It's Excitingly Simple - Only 2 Steps To Examine Any Sales Page Quickly
Step1 - Give the URL of the sales page you want to Examine or just type the name of the file in the textbox and click the "Start" button.

Step 2 - The requested web sales page is downloaded and analyzed instantly. You can view the results on screen, click on the built-in hyperlinks for detailed information, export the analysis results or send the report by email.

System Requirements
Windows 98/Me/XP/2000
Internet Explorer
Internet Connection (if you want to analyze sales pages directly from the Internet)
Microsoft Office (optional, required only if you want to export report to MS-Word or MS-Excel
Take Charge! Be In Total Control
You can change almost all the analysis rules to suit your requirements.?
Use the built-in "Settings" tab to customize and give your own rules for analysis and reporting.
Use the default settings or define your own settings for: -

Hypnotic words

Power words

Clichés and phrases

Command copy like "order", "buy", "get"

Text symbols

Words denoting bonus products

Web-safe colors list

Audio file extensions

Video file extensions

Flash file extensions

Long/short copy
File Data

This file is sold by kasu, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 3 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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