*NEW* - Personalize Your Website - MASTER RESALE RIGHTS
Tired of getting poor results from your email campaigns? Then this might be the most important letter you read all year, because...
" These Few Lines of Code, When Added To Your Website, Can Triple Your Sales...
"Harness the Power of One of the Oldest Psychological Triggers, To Boost The Response of ANY Website or Email Campaign...
From: Ayush Das,
Sub: RE: Triple Your Sales in 7 Minutes...
So do you personalize your emails - autorespinder emails, ezine and newsletter mails?
If not, you are loosing money…
As you know , the most important part in a salesletter is the headline. Copywriting gurus claim that a headline can often make or break your salesletter.
Its important because 80% of the people read only the headline. They read that first and decide wether to continue or not…
So if you have a strong headline that grabs people’s attention, you will get a good response.
Now, what if you could call out to the prospect by his name, right from the headline, and grab his attention right from the start? Wouldn’t that grab him by the eyeballs and literally glue him to the page?
Don’t you think that it would boost the readership and get more people to read your sales-message? This is probably the simplest and most guaranteed way of boosting your response by a significant and measurable amount.
“There Was No Way of
Personalizing Your Website...
...until now. But now, you can just add a few lines of code to your website, and enjoy a better response by personalizing your website.
"A Personalized Sales Letter Would Outpull A Generic Letter By (On Average) 300%...
- Gary Halbert
"How Does It Work...
With this software, you can personalize your website in two ways (unike some other personalization scripts). Here's how they work:
1st Method: Personalize Through Email
You can use this method to boost up the response from your email campaigns, if you have an ezine or newsletter or even an autoresponder series.
Suppose you are send an email to your list about your new book on 'How to Make a Million In a Year'. Normally you would just send them a link that looks like:
But now, you send them a 'personalized-link' which looks like this:
And when the visitor clicks on the link, he is taken to a page which is personalized with his name. A page that says, "Hi Joe, How are you doing today?" instead of "Dear Fellow Internet Marketers" or something like that...
How do you do this? Just put the 'personalization code' of your autoresponder or ezine manager at the end of the URL after a question mark.
Different autoresponders and scripts use different codes, like or or of whatever. Just put that at the end of the URL after a question mark.
So your url should look something like:
https://www.tradebit.com (or)
https://www.tradebit.com (or)
Its Completely Error Safe ...
And the most important part is, it is completely error safe. Which means, if there's some problem with your autoresponder or ezine, and you get emails that read like:
The script will automatically detect it, and redirect the visitor to another non-personalized page. That way, it appears completely normal to them, and instead of making more sales, you don't end up loosing them...
2nd Method: Directly Ask The Visitor's Name on the Website
You can also add another piece of code to directly ask for the user's name on any webpage. Here's how that works...
When a visitor visits your website, he gets a prompt message, asking him his name. When he enters his name, it automatically gets personalized with his name.
Its only a few lines of code, but it can help you squeeze-out the maximum profits from your website and email campaigns.
And Boost Up Your Profits
With Master Resell Rights - Only $10.00
If you have a list of subscribers or get good traffic to your site, you can sell it no matter what. Even if somebody else starts giving it away for free, there will still be demand for it...
People will still pay you for it, because:
Reason No1 : Its better than almost any other personalization script out there (except for one created by Dmirty Nanev - which sells for $97 - Sales Ratio Booster), and...
Reason No.2 : There's always a good demand for it. There exists a small niche of marketers who are serious about their business and want to extract the most out of all their email campaigns.
If you get the Master Resell Rights, you can:
Sell it at any price you want
Sell the Resell Rights to it at any price you want
Sell The Master Resell Rights at any price you want
Give it away from your website
The only restriction is that you may not give away the Master Resell Rights to it for free.
You can sell the Master Resell Rights, but you cannot grant others the Master Resell Rights to it for free.
Salesletter, ThankYou Page and graphics etc included...
And You Can Get It All For Just $10.00