MP3 Amoraea Dreamseed - Antahkarana : Sonic Bridge
Journey through expansive holographic soulscapes and harmonic celestial tapestries ideal for healing, meditation, ritual, multi-dimensional travels -- keyboards, flute, percussion, vocals, nature sounds, harp, crystal bowls
8 MP3 Songs in this album (52:35) !
Related styles: NEW AGE: Spiritual, NEW AGE: Ambient
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Each of Amoraea’s CD’s are designed as sonic templates for soul journeys, higher consciousness activation, and deep meditation. As virtual soundtracks for Ascension, this music is also perfect for massage /healing sessions, ritual/ceremony, yoga, tantra, and dreamtime journeys. All are 52 minute unbroken compositions designed to keep you in a fluid stream of experience … Amoraea’s soundtracks are utilized widely across the World by various Healing Arts Therapists, Yoga and Meditation teachers, Healing and Wellness Centers, and Metaphysical Stores.
Amoraea’s music is holo-engineered as sonic landscapes for the soul to travel through. As acoustical blueprints of subtle awareness, they may guide you into your own Sanctuary to make contact with your enlightened Presence. Each of my CD’s originate from a larger Holographic Template that is expressed in both a sonic and visual form. Thus, the music can be experienced as a Soundtrack for Ascension into the visionary theme expressed on the cover art. Sound and Light are both frequencies and are like two helixes if information spiraling around and expressing the same source. May these transmissions awaken the codes of Light and Sound within your own Divine Blueprint
Each CD is one unbroken composition like a soundtrack, fluidly traveling from deep to uplifting, angelic to shamanic, meditative to activating, in its mood and feeling…. Designed as a holographic journey in which the soul is carried into contemplation, revelation, and expanded awareness.
Amoraea Dreamseed receives various commissions from the Divine to construct the sacred architecture of the Subtle Realms here on Earth in ways that become accessible temples for people to recommence and reinforce their connection with SOURCE PRESENCE. Exploring multiple mediums to express and transmit the One Cosmic Code in to form, Amoraea has created various ceremonies, spiritual images, sound holograms, activation seminars, and healing chambers as access points for others to Awaken From Within.
Blessings From Within , Amoraea