MP3 The White Noise Album : to soothe and calm your baby, help you sleep and improve your concentration! - NEW AGE: Ambient
Pure, Powerful white noise to calm your baby, help you sleep and improve your concentration. Try it today, it works wonders. ONLY $6.99
2 MP3 Songs
NEW AGE: Ambient, NEW AGE: Environmental
The WHITE NOISE ALBUM is a full hour program of the purest, most powerful white noise. And it’s only $6.99!!!
Why white noise?
White noise has been proven to calm crying or colicky babies and help them get to sleep. Recently, there’s been a lot of talk in the news about it from bestselling authors, doctors and celebrity parents like Madonna, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Pierce Brosnan. The good news is that all the hype is true! It really does work!
How does it work?
Think about what most people do when they hear a baby crying... they make a gentle “shhhhh...” sound. That sound is actually a form of white noise! Why white noise works is simple: it recreates the sonic world inside the womb. In the womb babies are constantly surrounded by a gentle blanket of white noise created by the blood rushing through the mother’s body. Playing The WHITE NOISE ALBUM puts your baby back in that safe and comforting sonic environment, and stops their crying like magic! Also, The WHITE NOISE ALBUM acts as a sound barrier, masking any sounds that might disturb or over stimulate your baby. So, playing The WHITE NOISE ALBUM while your baby sleeps is like insurance against crying!
Does it work for adults?
The WHITE NOISE ALBUM works wonders for adults who have trouble sleeping in a noisy environment, or sleep next to a partner who snores. By playing The WHITE NOISE ALBUM while you sleep, you cover up distracting noises like neighbor’s TVs, sirens, and traffic noise. And, if snoring is a problem, The WHITE NOISE ALBUM works to mask the offending noise, so all you hear is pure, calming white noise!
The WHITE NOISE ALBUM is also perfect if you need to concentrate in a noisy environment. Studying in a loud coffee shop, or reading in a noisy dorm? Just turn on The WHITE NOISE ALBUM to block out the noise and you can finally concentrate!
The WHITE NOISE ALBUM album also works for: ADD/ADHD and tinnitus!
The WHITE NOISE ALBUM can be used throughout the night by using a CD or an MP3 player on the “loop” setting. There’s even a special “short program” designed for looping that won’t take up valuable disk-space on you iPod or other MP3 player!
Here’s what the experts say:
Researchers at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital in London found that brief exposure to white noise helps healthy newborns fall asleep. In their study, the researchers found that 16 out of 20 babies fell asleep within 4 minutes of exposure to white noise compared with only 5 out of 20 unexposed infants.
For improved sleep:
According to a new Harris Interactive® survey of adult Americans who share a bed with a spouse or partner most nights approximately one in four (24%) of those surveyed reported that their partners’ sleep problems (i.e. snoring, loud breathing) interfere with their own sleep. Their suggestion? Adding white noise to cover up the offending noise!
For other ailments:
White noise makes tinnitus less noticeable. It does not make tinnitus go away, but it makes the ringing or roaring seem softer. For some people, white noise hides their tinnitus so well that they can barely hear it.
Dr. Kathleen Nadeau, director of Chesapeake Psychological Services in Bethesda and author of many books on ADD, recommends the use of white noise to increase focus in patients suffering from ADD/ADHD.
The WHITE NOISE ALBUM: pure, powerful, digitally mastered white noise.
Get The WHITE NOISE ALBUM today and get the relief you need!
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