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Ezine Marketing Magic

Heres How You Can Start Making Serious Money Right Away By Creating A Simple Little Ezine That Practically Forces Your Customers To Whip Out Their Wallet and Buy Whatever Youre Offering!

Now You Can Easily Earn A Lot Of Money With Your Very Own Publications, Once You Know These Secrets...

Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,

If youre serious about marketing online, youve probably investigated many methods of increasing your sites popularity. I know that several years ago, when I was first starting out, I did.

Youve probably looked into all of the normal methods:

· Search Engine Optimization
· Banner Ads
· Affiliate Programs
· ... and More

Now, these are all good, but it wasnt until later that I discovered a method that beat the others hands down, and cost much less!

A method that has helped drive literally thousands of visitors to my sites on a daily basis, and the numbers keep rising. I discovered the value of Ezines as a marketing tool, and they have become vital to my own online success.

After years of running several extremely profitable Ezines, I decided to share with others some of the secrets that I have learned from my own trials, research, and experience. After all, the best teachers are those who have succeeded themselves, and I want to help you learn from my own success.

In Ezine Marketing Magic, Youll gain privileged access to hard-won knowledge that Ive gained through several years of publishing my own highly successful newsletters. I wont waste your time with hype, or try to sell you anything in it. Instead, you will find it filled with factual information that you can use, to create your own highly successful newsletter or Ezine (or to write for others).

Ezines Online Are Growing At An Astonishing Rate!

People are eager to learn about topics of interest to them, and Ezine subscriptions have now surpassed magazine subscriptions today. In fact, they are the magazines of the online world today, delivered conveniently to subscribers email boxes. Best of all, Ezines can:

· Drive targeted traffic to your site
· Increase your opt-in email list
· Increase your own credibility, as others see your expertise on a topic
· Give your online business valuable exposure that no other method can achieve

Ezines are the most effective marketing tool available today for online businesses. I can vouch for this, since my own Ezines have boosted traffic significantly to my own sites-and the traffic keeps increasing each week.

In Ezine Marketing Magic, Ill share with you how to:

Publish your own Ezine, even if you cant write! (its possible, if you know how to find quality content)

Determine your Ezine niche, and create a publication that delivers what your subscribers want to read. Ill show you how to do market research (thats free!) that will help you target your Ezine even more effectively-and make your list grow.

What to write about. And if you have trouble choosing a topic, Ill help and offer you advice on how to create quality articles from the title to the ending. I even share how to get interviews, create reviews, news stories and engaging editorials, and other methods of creating outstanding articles.

Learn how to build interactivity into your Ezine: People today want to interact with others, and your Ezine should have this, or your readers will go to others. Find out how to create interactivity, and use it to learn more about your readers and their needs, while increasing its popularity.

Think about it: an Ezine is your own free, virtual public relations campaign that can reach thousands of readers. This isnt hype or over-promising; its a realistic description of how getting published can impact how you-and your business-are perceived online.

Youll Also Discover How To Write (Or Even Get Others To Write!), Publish, And Promote Your Own Online Ezine.

Youll learn why:

Many authors are willing to write for you for free, and how to get them to do it. Ill even share with you where to find them.

Publishing can be easier than you realized. Youll learn the best methods of layout, formatting, and fonts for your Ezine. I dont leave anything to chance, and will share with you tried and true formats that have succeeded and brought me thousands of dollars each week in income.

I share a complete template for creating a successful Ezine with you: starting with the title (choosing the right one is so important), I then walk you through each part of creating an outstanding Ezine. In each section I discuss:

The header: Choose a well-designed one to delight your readers, and youll increase your Ezines acceptance.

The body: How you lay out your Ezine can make all the difference between one thats viewed as professional and one that gets deleted.

The footer: Learn how the pros end their Ezines, with elements that you must have.

Charging fees to subscribe to your Ezine: This is simple to do, and can bring you income if your content is of high quality, and you know how to demonstrate value to your readers. Ill show you how its done, from the web site promotion to the best methods of changing over from free to paid.

You May Be Thinking, But Ive Never Published Anything, And Im Not Sure If I Can Do This

Thats why Ive designed Ezine Marketing Magic to literally mentor you through each step of the process. I know that when I was starting out. I wish someone had taken the time to teach me what they knew. Someone with real life, creditable experience, who was a verified success. Those were the people I wanted to learn from.

Well, Ive succeeded, and Im sharing with you, as an online mentor, the secrets that have caused my own subscriptions to skyrocket.

Ill Teach You The Secrets Of Publishing Success, Including:

· How often to publish your Ezine for best results (get this wrong, and you could lose your subscribers!

· How to use your Ezine to increase your email list exponentially.

· How to create a killer web site to promote your Ezine (and why you want to do this).

· How to administer your Ezine: everything about the back end made simple from database management, to handling subscribes and unsubscribes.

· How to handle the growth, because if you follow the methods that I outline for you in my eBook, your subscriptions and site traffic will grow, and grow, and grow. Ill show you how to prepare for it, and what to do when it happens.

· Making your Ezine compatible with most mail clients: tips for helping it get through, get read, and get talked about!

· Common problems with mailings: how to avoid being labeled as Spam, and dealing with bounces.

· Outstanding resources: I discuss some of the best list servs, areas to promote your Ezine, and a list of dozens of resources that can help you create a winning Ezine.

· I even share with you some of the better Ezine publishing software, that helps you fully automate the process (youll want to do this as your list grows to save yourself time and effort.)

Youll Learn How To Earn Thousands, Through Selling Ads In The Very Ezine That Promotes Your Business!

While the real purpose of publishing an Ezine is to grow your email list, theres another benefit as well: you can earn income from selling advertising in it. Did you know that in the more popular Ezines, ad space goes for hundreds of dollars? For placement in each issue?

Youll discover how to get people to place ads that will earn you income in every issue of your Ezine. Youll earn money, as others read your Ezine, and your brand identity gets established in their minds with each publication. Ill even show you how to get them to send issues to their friends, and get the word out to others.

As your subscription base starts growing, others will be eager to place their ads. First, you will have established a network of targeted clients, who have indicated that they are interested in the topic that your Ezine addresses.

Those who sell related services will pay money good money to have their ad included in your Ezine-if you know how to do this the right way. Thats key, and Ill teach you how its done, including:

· Where to place ads for maximum impact.

· Common advertising mistakes that beginners make that can kill an Ezine.

· The best ratio for ads and content (this is one of the biggest differences between success and failure).

· How to approach others about advertising in your Ezine (and word your offer to make your proposal highly attractive to them).

· Ad and article swaps: when this makes sense, and why so many do this.

· Advice on developing joint venture partners: learn why the top Ezine publishers have partners (and where to find them), and why promoting one anothers products can bring in much more income (and many more readers) than other methods.

Ezines Are The Best-Kept Secret In The Online World!

When you have Ezine subscribers, they are asking you to market your services, your knowledge, your expertise to them on a regular basis. Its as if they are saying, Please market to me, as long as you share good articles that I can learn from as well.

Youll enjoy other benefits of publishing your very own Ezine, including:

Low cost: theres no other method of self-promotion that costs so little, and gains you so much. Because Ezines are electronically created, theres no paper, no fees, no upfront deposits. All you need is your own computer and keyboard, and youre ready to start.

Establishment of your expertise. Ezines are one of the best methods of demonstrating to others your knowledge, since youre sharing that knowledge with them in each issue you send their way. Expertise translates into reliability, and you will be promoting your business in one of the most powerful ways known in the marketing world.

Ive created my eBook, Ezine Marketing Magic to be a reference book that you will refer to time and again. It isnt just a few tips, masquerading as information. This eBook is chock-filled with real meat, reliable information that will show you every single step to take to creating a successful Ezine.

I havent left anything to chance, because I know what its like to want, and need, good, useful advice from someone who knows what theyre doing (and how frustrating reading sales hype and fluff can get when you expected more). I know what Im doing (I make part of my living selling products using newsletters and selling content online) and Ill share with you each secret of my own success.

I break publishing your Ezine down into small, easily managed steps that anyone can follow. I show you how to get started, what youll need to do, and how to publish and profit from it. Youll learn from my own years of marketing content online, as I put the steps that have worked for me into an easy-to-read (and follow) logical sequence. Think of it as blueprints for building your own highly successful online newsletter or Ezine.

I even give you a sample template in my eBook, that you can modify and use for yourself. It has all the elements in all the right places. Just cut and paste, put in your content, and your Ezine will look professional.

I also include a sample welcome letter to greet new subscribers. I wanted you to see exactly how its done with these concrete examples. Again, just add your name and your Ezine title to it, and you have a letter ready to send out!

In Ezine Marketing Magic, Ill Show You:

· Ideas for great Ezines that people want to read.

· How to write content for your Ezine (or where to find it FREE if you cant write a word yourself!).

· Headlines that sell, and how to write them.

· Getting great interviews that others want to read.

· Layout and formatting that are irresistible, and why.

· The best software for publishing your Ezine.

· How to increase your subscribers, even if you start with none, and get thousands within months.

· How to promote your business or service successfully in your Ezine.

· The top beginner mistakes to avoid.

· Getting past spam filters: things every legitimate mailer needs to know.

I went all out in this eBook to help ensure your success. This is why I teach you not only the basics of publishing your only highly successful Ezine, I take you through advanced tips and methods that the pros use.

Youll Learn Secrets That Successful Ezine Publishers (Including Me!) Use, Such As:

· Elements that pull subscribers in like crazy.
· Creating subject lines that get opened.
· How to use your Ezine to generate sales leads.
· Viral marketing methods to get the word out about your Ezine.
· Where, when and how to promote your Ezine (and how to write a successful ad for the promotion).
· How to test your Ezine before sending out the first issue.
· Where to go for help as your list grows (and it will if you follow these steps!).

By ordering Ezine Marketing Magic, youll learn the secrets that the real pros use to keep subscribers coming back time and again.

Ill teach you how to identify your audience (your readership), and how to effectively target your Ezine to reach them. Ezines are growing online, and people are eager to subscribe to them, and even to pay to subscribe, IF you give them the information that they are asking for.

Ill discuss how to discover what they really want to know, and provide it. Within just a few months, youll be earning income directly from your Ezine subscriptions, as well as driving traffic to your web site!

At this point, you may be thinking, This sounds pretty good, but it also sounds like a lot of hard work. This is why one full chapter will be devoted to methods of making publishing your Ezine simple, with recommendations on software and list management systems that do the work for you.

When you order Ezine Marketing Magic, youll receive all of this and much, much more.

Just A Short Sample Of More Of The Information You Will Receive In Ezine Marketing Magic:

· Interactivity: key to increasing readers and subscribers.

· Learn how to create online polls and feedback links that allow readers to tell you what they want to learn and read about.

· Ill even share samples with you, to help you get started with your own.

· Discover how to create a discussion forum online related to your Ezine (and use reader questions and comments to give direction to your Ezine content)

· Learn the value of follow-up emails, and how and when to use them

Why am I sharing with you hard-earned secrets, and ideas that have taken me years to learn myself? Because Im a firm believer that what a person gives in this life, is what they will receive. Its foundational in my own business, and is the reason for my own success (along with hard work, that is!). And I believe that mentoring others is one of the most satisfying, rewarding things a person can do.

This eBook is my gift back to the world, and the result of learning from many others myself along the way. Ive decided to literally share the wealth with you, by giving you the tools to create your own highly successful Ezine. Whether its the best methods for formatting your Ezine (and the pros and cons of each one), to design methods that increase your own branding in customer minds, and even the types of content that establish your personal expertise, Ill teach you how.

Youll learn what headers to avoid to get past spam filters, and how to create a logo that looks sharp.

Ill even teach you what to include in your table of contents, and where to put it! And how to let readers contact you (and where contact information in your Ezine, to maximize response rates).

Im Not A Techno-Geek, And Not Sure I Can Manage An Email List...

If youve said (or even thought this), Ill show you how to manage an Ezine mail list with methods that anyone-and I do mean anyone-can follow. Youll learn about:

· Automated lists, and how to let them do the work for you.
· When to get help, and where to find it-inexpensively.
· List service, or list software: which is best? Ill show you pros and cons of each, including free services.

Its all here, in Ezine Marketing Magic. When you order your copy, youll receive what is literally a complete manual that you can refer to time and time again, that shows you the ins and outs of creating a highly successful (and income-producing) Ezine.

Think about it. Each and every time you send out your Ezine, your profits will escalate, if you use the methods I teach you in this information-filled eBook.

At this point, youre probably wondering how expensive this is. After all, publishing and marketing information like this normally doesnt come cheap, if you can find it at all.

Im selling my eBook for an extremely low price; for less than the price of taking a friend out for a good dinner nowadays. But this eBook will give you the tools to pay for a lifetime of dinners (along with your rent, car payment, and other bills) when you use the techniques that I share with you in Ezine Marketing Magic. You can purchase it for the phenomenal price of only $0.99.
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