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Sold by timmmiller on Tradebit
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Wordpress Ministie Template

Quality Sales Page Template With Resell Rights

"Who Else Wants a Unique Wordpress Sales Page Template To Boost Your Sales, Improve Credibility And Create a Massive Attraction"

"Get Also 'Brave Ministie' Custom Plugin To Format Your Sales Letter Using Time-Saving WYSIWYG Buttons, No Coding Skills Needed!"

Dear Friend,

Here is the deal. Let me show you how you can save at least $147 for overpriced minisite graphics and avoid hours of frustration.

I'm happy to announce the unique template that is called 'Flawless Reflection'. You can see it below. It's an edgy, highly-impactful sales page template with cutting-edge graphics. I always want to offer the best value to my clients, that's why I wanted this template to shine over the other low quality ones. It comes up with fully integrated wordpress template.

Where can it be used?

*Product Sales Pages - Sell own products or PLR products with the fresh sales page look
*Affiliate Sales Pages - Create PPC landing pages, clickbank products reviews, etc.
*Email Capture Pages - Generate lucrative email list
*CPA Landing Pages - Create impactful, highly converting landing pages
*And Much Much More!

Introducing the State-of-the-Art
'Brave Minisite' Wordpress Plugin
This revolutionary plugin will let you add sales page elements (like testimonial, section boxes, headlines, video boxes) anywhere you want using 1 click of the mouse! No coding skills necessary and it comes with complete video trainings and PDF instruction guides.

Instant Getting-Money Opportunity...
With this template you will also receive full resell rights. It means you can do anything you want with this theme! You can sell it for $27, sell resell rights or give it away for free! You can also sell the plugin with it (for even higher price like $47) as long as you won't remove the braveminisite button and credits info. To make this even sweeter, you will also get the rights to use this sales page to sell it right away! It comes with all the videos, ecover graphics and it can be all available to you in just a few minutes...


Here Is What You'll Get:

*Sales page template 'Flawless Reflection' with graphics and HTML, CSS files ($147 value)

*Wordpress version of the theme ($47)

*PSD file ($47 value)

*Wordpress custom plugin 'Brave Minisite' ($97 value)

*Video trainings and PDF instructions (how to install wordpress, theme, change header, headline graphics, customize theme, work with the custom plugin) ($47 value)

*Full resale rights to the template, the custom plugin, videos and the sales page with graphics ($97)

*Extra Bonus that you will see inside ($97 value)

That's Not a Joke! Get This
Amazing $579 Package For...
$197 $97 $77 $3.47!

Why You Should Get It:

*Save at least $147 for the custom made overpriced minisite graphic (that could not be even what you were looking for)

*The template is only using CSS for text formatting, including graphic boxes

*The template is optimized for Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari

*Boost your sales - this template will create instant attraction that will result in lower bounce rate and increased trust and respect from your customers

*Enjoy Wordpress flexibility, manage easily your sales pages using easy to use CMS. Save multiple sales pages and activate the one you want.

*Don't know Wordpress? Watch my step-by-step detailed video trainings showing from start to finish how to install wordpress, install the theme and plugins, generate a sales letter template, add new elements to it and format the text, save the sales letter and enjoy the results! No more confusion!

*Do you know Photoshop? Clearly folder separated layers in PSD file will help you to customize the design to your own needs

*Installation takes only few minutes

*Save tons of time with the sales page formatting because of the custom made WYSIWIG interface made specially for marketers needs. You will find all the necessary tools you need in seconds.

*Add easily testimonial, video, new section boxes from the easy WYSIWIG interface

*1 Click Sales Letter Template Generator - Click 1 button to create a full sales page template with headline, author space, paragraphs, subheadlines, testimonial section boxes, order button, signature space,
PS's and footer. Just select the filler text and fill it with your own. It can't get any simpler than that!

*Save yourself a frustration of adjusting your sales page elements, now you can do it with the simple 'copy' and 'paste'.

*No coding skills necessary! Each box element can be filled with a few clicks!

*30 Days free email support. Any problems with installation, plugin? Let me know and I will go back to you right away. I can even go into your wordpress and fix the problem directly.

*Make instant money with resale rights! Do you have a list of internet marketers? Do you think they may need a minisite template? Of course! You can set up your own website in minutes as it comes with ready sales letter, custom minisite graphics and PSD files. See the resell rights sales letter here. You can easily sell the full package for $47!

*Developers, you are granted the rights to install this template on your client's site


Don't miss this opportunity. Only 40 lucky people can take advantage of this one and only offer. Get your $579 value package for $3.47. But the only way to prove the value of this is to try it yourself. I'm convinced that after trying my template you will rave about it to all your friends.

Get Your Wordpress Template, Custom
Plugin & Resell Rights For Just $3.47!

I Wish You Success!
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This file is sold by timmmiller, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 8 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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