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MP3 Gael Force - Celtic Storm

" One of the most solid Irish rock bands in the New York area" -Dylan Foley NEW YORK POST.

10 MP3 Songs
WORLD: Celtic, ROCK: Folk Rock

Celtic Storm is the first release from gael force. It features 9 tracks of Irish classics with our own rock arrangments. Hope you enjoy it.

Hello--Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your show, I was a vendor in the Marketplace at the Indianapolis Irish Fest(2004), right next to the Claddagh stage, so was lucky enough to see and hear you twice this past weekend--while the whole weekend of music was amazing--you guys were the best--I have family in Belfast, and you reminded me of my fun dancing days there with my sister!! (Of course, that Northern Irish accent is distinctive!) It really meant alot to me--you even played Fields of Athenray, one of my favorites!! We just got home again from Belfast, and am homesick already--thanks for giving it back to me! We bought both cds--my kids(1 and 4) and I are rocking to it right now--can''t wait ''til next year!--Emily

I was at the Irish festival in Brooklyn yesterday and Wow- you were awesome! I was there with my children and dad- It was very emotional for me as my dad is battling cancer and he was having such a good time - we both were. It was so surreal for me as I felt for the 1st time I felt I connected with my Irish Heritage. My dad is "VERY IRISH" and has always played Irish music but I wasn''t a fan until now! Thank you for opening up my eyes! I''m planning to have a 60th birthday for my dad - do you do parties and if so what''s your fee??? Thanks, Angel

I saw you guys on 4/29/04 and you were great I don''t think you guys have to change anything you are great, and john on pipes wow his fingers just fly I may only be 17 but I know my music. I am looking forward to seeing you guys in november I love you guys. Lauren

Had to write and let you know I''ve just heard your Set in Stone CD and it was fantastic.
I am a police officer in the Highlands of Scotland and my Sgt was working with me tonight and he took the CD to work. We''ve been driving around listening to it! With me being a piper favorite tracks were any that had pipe or accordion music in them. I''ve been told I have to learn Rakes of Mallow and play it at your speed!!! Great music, just difficult to switch it off. Liz MacKinnon

The big Fenians/Brigid''s Cross fan who was just in Indianapolis. Saw GF Saturday and was very impressed even though it was a little louder than I expected. We were tired so left before it was ended. On Sunday, during Off Kilter, happened to meet Dave, Patrick''s cousin. Also met Patrick and Sean. Instantly was completely impressed with
their background and connection to 9/11. Later, saw John compete in the Kilt race and win! Then saw GF do their set and saw how much fun they had. Loved Back Home in Derry and Amazing Grace. Did get a CD and listened to it twice on the way home! I will recommend you to many and can''t wait to see you again at Gaelic Park, South Side
Chicago next May! You definitely have a new fan! Thanks Patrick and hello to Dave!

Wow!!!!! I saw you guys at the Indianapolis Irish Festival (2003) and you were awesome!!! The whole time I was sitting there thinking, "This is so cool!!!" I''m definitely going to order your c.d. I actually though about asking for an autograph but I chickened out. I thought I might turn as red as a tomato. Oh well, c''est la vie. Well, on a parting note, *YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!*** Jess.

Gael Force, thanks so much for being part of our festival. Leenya, your solo on Sunday was right on, made me proud. Y''all''s confidence is astounding albeit well-deserved. I''m moved to hear the bagpipe blended in with bass and drums etc. Love. Louise

You guys were hands down the best thing at "The Great Irish Fair" at Coney Island this past weekend! Great songs, great covers, and that was some damn fine bagpiping. Definitely would go see you the next time you''re playing in NYC. Hellkittens Inc.

Hey the first time I heard your music was when I was watching an Nsync special and one of your songs came on in the background. After that I thought "how cool is this music?" Well anyway, I bought both your albums and I really think you guys did a great job on the Amazing Grace/Scotland the Brave/ Danny boy track. I was at the Syracuse Irish Feast the year you guys performed. Carolyn Quinn

Hey guys, I saw you last year at Irish Fest in Indianapolis and I must say that you are the greatest Celtic rock I''ve heard. I really enjoyed the traditional songs you played and your piper has inspired me to take up piping. I''m a big, big fan of traditional Irish music
and so is my friend''s dad, his name is Bob and he shares our love of Irish music. I''ve convinced him and the rest of our gang to come out to Irish fest this year and it would mean a great deal to me, and the rest of us, if you could play either "The Fields of Athenry" and/or " In the Streets of London". These are sort of favorites of ours :) Just thought I''d write and tell you guys that your patriotism for both the U.S. and Erin have meant a great deal to me and my friends. Still lovin'' your music! I understand that you probably have a lot of request, I just thank you for taking the time to read this! Thank
you! Your fan, Dustin

Hi guys and girls. I was given a copy of Set In Stone by a New York Fireman who came over to Scotland following 9/11. Not only did I make a great friend, i found a great new band. What''s even better is the fact that my seven year old daughter loves your music as well. we crank up the volume to Lanagans Ball and go crazy. Hope to see you live the next time I come over to Merrick, Long Island, New York. Keep up the good work. David Campbell.

I play the drums and instruct the Nassau County Fire Fighters Pipe Band and you guys are by far one of the most talented bands around. Every single one of you is a gentleman except for the fiddler being a girl and all she is amazing both in her looks and how she plays ... I would give you guys a 10 out of 10. Joe Beyrer

Saw you guys at the Jersey City Irish festival 2002. Loved it. Picked up both CD and loved them to. Keep it up. P.S. Do you guys plan on playing the East Durham, NY Irish Festival next year? The 2003 lineup is great but if you guys were on the bill it would be AWESOME. Go ''oirish'' Tom Curran

Hi I''m a dancer with the DeNogla School & I bought "Set in Stone" when my school was selling it. I love it so much!! It''s the greatest music ever! I''ve played it for all of my friends, my mom takes it to work with her; it''s amazing. thank you for making great music. ~Jenn

I am currently deployed on the USS Abraham Lincoln in the Persian Gulf for Operation Iraqi Freedom as part of the F-14 Squadron, the Fighting Tomcatters. One of the guys in my squadron received a copy of "Set In Stone" as a gift from a pen pal whose son is in the same Boy Scout troop as one of the band members. Knowing that I am a musician and some of the music I am "into", he told me about it and loaned it to me yesterday. Awesome ... awesome ... AWESOME!! The instrumentation and musicianship are phenomenol. I normally listen to music as I go to sleep and I''m lucky to stay awake for more than a song or two, even from my favorite CD''s. As the music started, I found myself turning it up more and more. I listened to the entire CD and then played it a second time! The lost sleep was MORE than worth it! I cannot remember the last time I listened to any CD and liked, let alone LOVED every track. You definitely have a new devoted fan. I can''t wait to get back home to share your music with my wife and kids. I will definitely be buying both of your CD''s and anxiously awaiting new recordings. Thanks, Phil Sloan

Please come back to the Manhattan Ill. Irish fest in 2004!!!! I was very disappointed not to see your name on the entertainment list your fan Jeremy

What can I say you guys are AWESOME. I had the best time at the West Orange parade then back to the H.A.T. to rock with your band. I can''t wait until next years parade. I hope you''re at the H.A.T. again. I will be bringing my family and friends to Montage Mountain in June to see you again. ED

I saw you guys in Lancaster Pa for the fund raiser for a local catholic school. You guys are great, I cant remember the last time my wife and I had such a good time. THANKS!! Cant wait to see you again. John Bohan

Dear fellows, I was at the St. Paul Irish Fair last year to see the Tim Malloys, a local band. While your presence and performance took me by surprise, having never seen you, I was very impressed. There are pieces of your music in a special playlist that I call "Bluecollar Ballads and Drunk-tank Ditties", which I put together in honor of we working people. I listen to it very often, along with both your discs by themselves, and take much inspiration from them. In closing, you have my appreciation, and my thanks. Robert B. Thomas

Hello Jose, thank you, so much for the opportunity of listening your great band. Me and my friends Gosia and Beata really love your music. We had wonderful time. You ar egreat! Angelika

In June 2001, I heard this band when I was in an Irish store in NY. I fell in love with the music and bought the CD "Set in Stone". It is my favorite music to listen to. I have shared it with a few of my friends and they get up and start dancing. The music is an awesome combination of traditional pieces mixed with a lot of fun to make it sound completely awesome. I really want to see you guys in concert sometime. Hopefully, I can go to one of your up coming concerts. Teresa McGayhey

I attended the Union County Pub Night II in Kenilworth. The night was the best considering the heat. The celebration of John''s Birthday was unique just like him. You guys were great that night! several friends in attendance thought the same. Looking forward to hearing you guys on the CD''s we purchased and at the clubs. Thanks for a great night. Mark Evan

Your performance at the Union County Pipes & Drums benefit in Kenilworth, NJ was outstanding. My wife and I had a very enjoyable evening listening to your music. I am looking forward to seeing you again at another event. Mike Boyle

Hi, I''ve not seen you perform live, and I haven''t heard any of your music...YET. BUT your name precedes you. From Syracuse originally, I moved to Albany a year and a half ago and I saw two Irish2000Fests. For a band as well reknowned as you are, why not bring your talent and your music out to us??? I saw a Gael Force T-shirt even ... just last night in Altamont. Point is...anyone who is anyone in the Celtic Rock realm, is at the Irish2000Fest in Altamont (Albany). Some names you may recognize: Off Kilter, Seven Nations (7N), Prodigals, Fenians, Danu, Hair of the Dog, Maura O''Connell. This year the rain brought people under the tents and EVERYONE got to enjoy the music with no other distractions (Except beer, of course). So, I would really like to see your band on the roster for next year. I think that if you''re as good as everyone says you are, then you should not deny the Greater Capital Region of New York State that talent. The name of it is the Annual Irish 2000 Music and Arts Festival. And it grows larger each year. I really hope to see you next year. I am sure you draw a huge crowd whereever you go, and Albany is not far from Syracuse, but Albany''s festivals ROCK! So bring your bagpipe, your whistle, guitar and drums....and get out here next year to play us some! Thanks, Pat Trudell

Just saw you at Irish Fair in St Paul MN. YOU guys Rock!!!!! come back soon! Paul

I recently saw you guys on Saturday July 5th at The Fin Bar in Long Beach, Long Island. I am a member of The County Tyrone Pipes and Drums. I went with friends as well as band members and this is the third time we have seen you guys and gal. You are not only so much fun to jam to, but your personal demeanor during your breaks and after you played is so genuine. You guys deserve nothing but the best and much success. Don''t change a thing. I can''t wait till October when you guys are back in Long Beach.

You guys were fabulous at the PNC Center today at the Irish Festival. Please send me a schedule of upcoming dates for your band. Mary

Without sounding too stupid I have had the fortune of seeing your band this last year a few times. Recently an old friend of mine passed away and we were regulars at our local The Hat. We took the song Pat Sweeney as a testimony to the Man. It is actually in the juke box there. To have you play there yesterday and what you did for the family was feckin brilliant. I want to congratulate you on a great day and thank you on behalf of my friends the Fogartys''. We look forward to seeing you again quite soon. Slainte, Rob Wills

I am one of many proud Irish-Americans from Manhattan Illinois that had the great privilege to see Gael Force play "live" in our home town. Your band, along with firefighters, police officers, and port authority officers were in town for our annual Irish fest and we were honored and blessed to have you here. I can only hope you had as good of a time as Manhattan did that weekend. I was able to buy a copy of your CD "set in stone" and I love it. I can''t wait to get my t-shirt in the mail. After talking to my brother firefighters about what happened that awful day on 9-11 and hearing your inspirational music, i now know for sure that everything is going to be alright. I can not describe how i felt seeing Gael Force play, along with having heroes from New York here in my little home town of Manhattan. Thanks again.

Hi guys, I am one of your biggest fans, and I would like to know when is your next album coming out? I got the other two, and love them both. Wisconsin isn''t much for celtic rock, but I''m slowly making converts. Well, this Irishman sure loves to rock and reel just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how "kick ass" your music is. Yours Aye, Robert Anderson

Hey Irish, Just wanted to let ya guys know that I love your music, especially its "Fenian" quality. I am an ardent Irish Nationalist myself, and your music goes good with a pint of stout. I just want to say, "Keep em rockin and Reelin!" I sure would love to meet ya and get all liquored up!!

Hey guys, and woman, hope our lame city doesn''t forget about inviting you to our Irish fest we had a great time last year. I cant wait to see you again...the CD never seems to leave the player. Happy New Year to you all! Hope to catch you in February in long island NY. cheers!!!!!!! love Yvonne xxxxx

Hi, my name is Gunnar Carlberg and I live in Sweden. I''ve listen to your samples and I''m very impressed and my question is if it''s possible to buy your CD''s although I don''t have any credit card? Please give me information if I can send money to you via bank. Best regards.

Hi there, I''d love to be added to the Gael Force fan club. My mom and I have been addicted to Gael Force since we first saw them at Celtic Classic a few years back and we''ve seen them at Sterling Hotel for their past three concerts there! Thanks, Jolene Haws.

Your performance at the Indianapolis Irish Fest was incredible. You provided energy and joy in the midst of a dark and troubling time. I must say that I was, and remain inspired. I enjoyed speaking with you guys after the concert. I regret not making it to the Claddagh that night. Hope to see you guys play again soon. Thanks.

Gael Force, I just got your 1st CD in the mail and it''s to put it mildly FANTASTIC. I first heard of the band through old friend of mine (he saw u inn Bethlehem Penn I THINK). Anyway, the reason I''M writing is because my Mom ,is on a Irish Radio Station at Hoffstra University, and She said she try to get them to play a cut or 2. I want other people to hear how great u guys really are. So GOOD LUCK, GOD BLESS, AND KEEP CRANKING OUT THE GREAT MUSIC. JOHN CRONIN (A NEW CONVERT).

Hey, I saw you guys perform at McGovern''s in Newark, NJ for the first time and let me say it won''t be my last. You guys rock, and the man on the pipes is awesome! Kevin Shackleton

Dear Gael Force, I have spent many hours enjoying listening to your music. Your first album, Celtic Storm was fantastic. I am looking forward to listening to your second CD, Set in Stone. And that brings me to the second part of my missive. I try and collect signed CD covers of all my favorite groups/musicians/artists. Is there any way that I could obtain your second album, signed from you. Barring that could I send a CD cover to you for autographs. If you worry about my reselling the CD you could inscribe it to me, Tim. Whatever your response, Thank You for sharing your talents with me, and the rest of the world. Your fan, Tim Wilkenson

Hi man you are the greatest keep on rocking from the police officer you met in Indianapolis thanks for ever thing you are the man good luck and if I can ever help just let me know. Ray Daugherty

When I first saw you setting up at the Irish Festival at Jack Frost this past May I had no idea the affect you would have on my life. Listening to your music and watching you perform is absolutely beyond description. You are able to express so many feelings in your music that I am exhausted after listening whether I am listening in person or to one of your beautiful CD''s. I can''t wait to be at your next performance. I honestly did not think that there was a group out there that could truly take me back to how I felt in my youth. Your music is so full of life and sincerity that I listen to it just about every day to remind me just how great the world can be. Knowing that you call New York City home, I hope that this finds you, your friends and family all alive and in good health. Dave Stanley.

We first saw your show in NYC while we were on vacation in April. It was fantastic! We were very much looking forward to seeing you again at the Dublin Irish Festival in Ohio in August. We were really bummed that that didn''t work out. The festival would have been much better had you been there! We are now very much looking forward to seeing you at Byrne''s Pub on Sunday, Sept. 23. We hope to get a large contingent to come out with us. I''m sure everyone will enjoy the show as much as we did! Julia, Tara, Brian and John

Saw you @ Syracuse Irish Festival. You guys rocked! Please come back to Syracuse! Hope all are well and coping w/ the tragedy. Steven & Erika Robinson

Just saw you at the Syracuse, N.Y. Irish fest ,really enjoyed the energy and passion you all put in the performance. I also enjoyed raising a glass with you at Kitty Hoynes. Enjoyed the music after the Wild Geese with Pat and Eamonn in the back room. Great stuff keep it up! Richard T, McClurkin Jr.

THANK YOU!! I saw your show in Syracuse last night, flippin brilliant! We danced and the energy was amazing, I came home and ordered both cd''s. I cannot wait to see you play again! But until then stay well and be good! cheers, your newest fan Yvonne and Theoge (my son).

Saw you at the Finn on Sunday 9/2 you Rocked the House, look forward to seeing you again Rock ON! Craig and Phyllis

Bought both of your CDs at Jack Frost Irish Festival in the Poconos at the end of May, before the storm! I listen to them almost every day. Love the music. Thank you. Hoping to see you perform again sometime. Barbara Herrity

I just want to say I love your new CD. I bought it out in Greenport and can''t stop playing it. My friends stole it from me so I went back and bought two more new ones and your first one. See you in Long beach. Your fan, SusanHatch

I happened to be visiting Greenport NY one day and ventured into an Irish import store. I heard the most incredible music!!! I asked the saleswoman if it was 4 sale & she handed me your CD. I immediately popped it into my CD player and fell in love . So then I started checking out the insert on the band.....I haven''t heard John Martin " the champ" play like that since my brother''s funeral in 12/97. Love the band, love the CD, can''t wait to maybe see a show some time. hope to hear more music. Thanx 4 reading; hope you reply. Liz Mcchesney.

I saw you perform at the Indianapolis Irish Fest in 2000. We bought your CD Celtic Storm at that time and it is still one of our favorites. You autographed it for my son. I am pleased to see that you will be returning for the 2001 Fest. Pam Skrzynecki

I am involved with the ministry and your music has not only inspired me, but has assisted me in helping others as well. Not to mention, that I work the night shift at a local department store for additional income and your music has helped me to keep going many a night. I was first introduced to Gael Force at Irish Fest 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana and was thoroughly impressed. Your music has made a wonderful and different addition to my CD collection among a mass of gothic/industrial and classical music. May Ra watch over you, Rev. Andrew J.S. Coppess

Pat,This is Jamie Kane from the AOH in Scranton. I contacted you about an Irish Festival in Scranton a little bit ago.. I was at Jack Frost and you actually got my fiancee and I out from under the tent. I have to say the whole group of us, forty or so all together have the utmost respect for you guys. I am sure you suffered losses of equipment but yet you guys were only worried about getting everyone to safety. I hope your losses were not that great. We hope to see you guys again. Hopefully, we can get you guys to the Banshee Pub in Scranton. It will be a great time! BTW...The new CD is Awesome!!! Talk to you Soon. Slan, Jamie VP AOH Div 1 Scranton, PA

Hi, folks, just wanted to let you know how much my wife and I enjoyed your performance on Saturday, May 26, at Jack Frost Mountain. Unfortunately, we had to leave and missed the second half, but I purchased your CD and have been playing it to death! Can''t wait until we have the opportunity to hear your group again. (I''m about to order your first CD. If it''s half as good as the one I purchased at the festival, I will be elated. ) Thanks for your wonderful service to us Irish music lovers. (Ironically, both my wife and I are German, through and through, but we wish we were Irish!) Chuck and Pat Holtzapple

WOW Those tracks you played were really great I especially liked Lannagans Ball-boy that tune rocks! Any word on where that bands plays in the tri state area??? Thanks and keep playing the great tunes! Lynda D. Wagner

Heard you today on FDU. Got me hooked. Great sounds, Great Web page. Good luck, we''ll be attending first time you are in my area. Thanks Again, Bill N

I had the best trip to New York ever, thanks to you and the great people at Connolly''s. I''ll be back, Kevin Dowd

I didn''t know what to expect when I stopped in at Connolly''s to hear you guys. All I can say is you guys are absolutely brilliant. Cheers. Steven Glass

I saw your show in PA. at the Sterling Hotel, I was on tour with Lord Of The Dance we all had an excellent time. And still party with GAEL FORCE music. I look forward to hearing your next album. Thanks for the good time. Jason De leu

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