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Quick Selling Software - Download Business

Quick Selling Software

Quick Selling Software Offers Quality Software Products You Can Use or Resell To Others For A Profit!

Get 20 Quick Selling programs you can sell and keep all the profits from. Its so easy, its like printing money... You have to see this software package to believe it!

Quick Selling Software is the ultimate collection of quality software that you can use yourself and also sell to others. You keep all the profit! You get 20 quality software titles included, all of which you get resell rights to, so you can profit from every sale!

Not only can you choose to sell these popular and Quick Selling programs to others, but you can also give them away as bonuses, by including the entire package or individual programs, along with other software or products you are selling, to help increase your product sales.

And unlike many of the other software and Ebook packages out there, you only need to distribute one small file when selling or giving away the entire Quick Selling Software package. No lengthy, complicated downloads or high bandwidth and server space concerns!

I was careful not to throw every software package available out there into this package, but only to include what I believe to be the Quick Selling software titles: those which are in the most demand, are of high quality, and which you can sell to others for a profit.

Every penny you make from selling the individual software programs or from selling the entire Quick Selling Software package is yours to keep! Once youve paid for the program, you get the rights to resell all the programs together or separately plus this web sales page.

You will also enjoy using these programs yourself for years to come. Even if you choose not to resell or give away copies of this software to others, you can rest assured that for the low price you paid for this fantastic software package, you could have only bought one or two of the programs contained in the package at retail prices.

The following 20 programs are all included with the Quick Selling Software package!
All programs come with resell rights, so you can sell or use them any way you like:

Contact Form Wizard - A great tool that sets up a php file for creating quick and easy contact forms with maximum function. Can either have 1 email address or give them a choice - contact forms like this are a great way of avoiding spam - your email address isnt put into the html. Prefix the email subject for easy sorting.

Email Protector - In 2001, spam email accounted for 8 of email sent. Today, according to industry experts, it accounts for 64 to 85 of all email sent. Spam is a huge productivity drain on business. We tested several demo-version email harvesting programs and found that changing the @ and . to their Unicode equivalents was sufficient to fool the spambots.

File Splitter - A great tool for splitting files to fit onto disks or use in emails. Cant send a file through email without your account timing out? Split it with File Splitter and send it in chunks. Has settings for splitting for floppies, small email, good size email and big files. Or you can choose your custom size. After splitting you just click Join Files then choose one main file.

Form Builder - Quickly build a form that allows visitors to submit information to you, create your own one that has all the fields that you require - setup an unlmited number and you can make it so they are validated (have to be filled out) you can set it so it goes to one email address or they can select from a choice of addresss. Very easy to use and also comes with a quick help file to get people going.

IE ToolBox - Microsoft Internet Explorer is the most common browser in use. If you are a user of it, then it makes sense to keep it clean and running well. This program quickly and easily cleans the history, typed urls, cookies, temporary internet files and even has some misc options to speed up your web browsing experience.

Image Viewer - Easy to use image viewer, one that doesnt change all you image file settings. Just pick the folder to browse and view images or use the slide show feature.

Instant Download Form - Quickly create download forms on your website, where users can come along, enter there name and email address and have an email sent to them containing there download link - you also get an email with this persons email address. A fantastic tool for building up your mailing list!

Java Source Machine.exe - Java Source Machine, the best javascript tool! Java Source Machine includes 15 different javascripts and makes it easy to use them. You input what you want, then preview or generate code. Save the file as html or just copy and paste the code into your existing website page. Not only does this have the code, but tells you what browser it will work in.

Meta Code Generator - Meta Code Generator makes it easy to MetaTags into your pages for your website. Easy to use. Fill in the blanks, then generate the perfect code to copy and paste into your site! Or use the insert tab and insert the code into Multiple pages! When using insert function you must add meta to the html where you want the code to insert at.

Multi Search File Finder - Searching of selected drives for files. Searching of items within the first search. Delete items easily. Open the item to check what it is. Open the folder where the item is stored to see what else is there. Fast searching!

Multiple Find and Replace - Simple and easy to use Find and Replace tool. Use to change text or html on multipy files.

Note Organizer - Note organizer is an advanced program for storing notes, you can create as many sections as you want, sections on html snipets, peoples contact details the possiblitys are endless. Very easy to use and navigate - the is the best way to store notes. Add and remove folders and notes easily!

Screen Capture - Screen Capture easily captures screenshots from your computer. Captures the last active screen, full screen or user selected area. Also numbers each picture consecutively. Creates jpeg images.

Time To Stretch - Simple and easy to use program that reminds you when its time to stretch. If you spend most of the day on the computer you probably arent doing enough to keep you from getting RSI. The program reminds you to stretch your arms and legs so you dont have to get the pain of RSI. Very simple to use. Takes up little space on your desktop, can sit in the system tray.

Traffic Wizard - Traffic Wizard is packed with 10 scripts which are easy to use to increase website traffic. These scripts include Break Frames, Bookmark Us, Email This Page, Set Homepage, Logo Branding, Frameless Popup, Browser Entry, Language (which routes traffic based on browser language settings), Avenue Search, and Popup Page.

To Do List Manager - Add tasks and remove tasks, tasks can contain notes, set a date when its due along with priority, sits in the system tray out of the way, print all the tasks out, auto saves and loads the list when you open close program, add an unlimited amount of tasks and edit any task that has been setup.

Start Page Surfer - Do you surf alot of the start pages? (Surf pages, get credits then others surf your site) This program will surf 5 pages at once, it will block pop-up windows, reset the start page between 0-60 minutes incase a javascript changes it. Minimizes to the system tray to be out of your way

Auto Hitz - Add as many start pages as you want. Limit how many times that start page is opened. Opens them randomly so hard to trace. Save and load lists of auto hitz pages. Many more great features!

CSS Machine - Quickly change your boring pages with these easy to use CCS scripts. Effects from No underline links to Blurry Text effects. Contains 8 very popular script with quick description and how to put it into there pages. A very handy tool to have in a webmaster kit.

ICQ Recieved File Remover -Easy Wizard style interface for removing files that people have sent you via icq. If you got as many people on your list as I do, all everyone sends you a file now and then youll see notice that the received files directory is taking up far to much disk space.

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This file is sold by bebihydar, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type EXE
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