72 Hour PLR Special
A Private Line Of Sizzling Hot Products That Will Be Handed To You On
A Silver Platter
A 6 ebook PLR package. This is a No Restriction Private Label Product.
Heres just some of what you will learn:
Podcasting Secrets Unleashed
Podcasting has become a common term nowadays, though there is actually only a selected number of people who are aware of its sense and function. The meaning of podcast is still unknown to a large number of people. The word -podcast, has been coined by juxtaposing broadcast and iPod.
These specially designed broadcasts were initially formed exclusively for the ipod. However, later they were made accessible for people who did not own an ipod because of the increasing fame of the podcasts. Thus, an ipod is not essential anymore to know about a podcast- you can hear it on your computer or in your music player.
Make Exponential Profits With Backend Sales
No matter what type of business you are in, or whether you market your products online or offline, the backend offers are the ones which determine whether you are going to make marginal or staggering profits.
Why Is The Money In The Backend? There is no additional customer acquisition cost, as you will be selling to customers you have already acquired, for one. Assume that the selling price of your initial product (frontend) is $97, while its original cost price is $30. You run an advertisement for $600, which got you ten customers. Your gross profit will thus be $670 ($97 X 10 customers) - ($30 X 10 customers), while your net profit will be $70 ($670 gross profit - $600 ad costs) for 10 customers.
This is just one small example of how powerful the backend concept can prove to be. Even if you do not make profit from your initial sale, you can always compensate and make more from your backend sales!
Exhibit Dynamic Personality For Super Success
The right attitude not only defines who you are but also your stance and success in life. That is why all top of the line business owners are those who have in their lives been not just about physical, mental and social prowess, but about the right attitude, with regards to the nature of success and achievement and the need to achieve something in life. Do you have it in you to be one?
Customers Are King
A book like this had just been waiting to be written. Heres something almost none of the Internet Marketing courses you will ever find would talk about at all - yet its something majority of us would only discover after going into business for ourselves.
Customers are King tackles some of the most common issues in doing business - online or offline - and provides a practical guide to handling customer dissatisfaction, refunds, improve your paid subscriptions retention rate, and more. Inspired by real life experience, this life manual to handling your customers is now yours for the taking.
How To Achieve Your Own Financial Independence
In the 21st century the concepts of time and money are being redefined. Financial Freedom, is one such term that has gained much importance in the changing financial scenario.
Financial Freedom means the freedom from continuous financial responsibilities through a planned management and allocation of assets. It frees a person from back-breaking work by giving him a steady source of income for life.
One must not think that a financially free person is also debt free. However, his prudent asset management ensures that his debts do not become a burden but only a part of his over-all expenses. In this way, his debts do not hinder his long term financial goals.
Financial freedom cannot be equated with being rich. One must not forget that surplus wealth requires constant supervision. In the long run, a rich mans obligations do not make him financially free in the true sense.
Thus, financial freedom maybe defined as a lifestyle that blends expenses and income according to the individual preference. This makes financial freedom a more possible and convenient state of being.
Forex Trading Strategies
Forex trading involves dealing in international currencies. Here, one can sell currency of one country to buy that of another. The trader deals in Foreign Exchange [Forex] at the most appropriate time to profit from the transaction. Good ability to forecast plays a vital role here. One may wonder how Forex trading can be such a lucrative earning opportunity since fluctuations in exchange is so little.
But remember, when done in big volumes, a minor change can mean a lot. There are many non-monetary advantages to it as well. Anyone who wants to deal in Forex can do so, since only the basic knowledge is required for it.