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Affiliate Windfall Secrets by Louis Allport

How To Create Cash Windfalls On Demand... 100 Guaranteed! Hi, Im Louis Allport, If you know HOW - bringing in cash windfalls with affiliate marketing can be surprisingly predictable - and - easy. A bold statement? Okay - let me start talking you through it: Just linking to a site through an affiliate link is not enough. Heres why: The link may not be clicked. So before anything else, you need ways to make sure people are happy to click on your link. And then - even if they click, cookies may be deleted (this often happens these days, and this means you dont get the commission). So you need a way to make sure people WANT to be referred by you. Yes, it is possible. And after that - even if they click and want to be referred by you, they may not buy. So on top of everything, you need to know how to make people want to happily buy NOW through YOUR link. And it is possible to surprisingly easily align all these factors so you can create affiliate cash windfalls on demand... The Three Pillars Of Predictable Affiliate Cash Lets go through the three pillars again quickly: You need the visitor to click through your link. You need to keep the cookie on their computer, so that you get the commission. You need visitors referred by you to want to buy NOW (which earns you the commission). And whatever you may have heard, it IS possible to line up all these factors surprisingly easily and surprisingly predictably. BUT - for maximum success you need to get all the details right. And thats what Im going to reveal for you - Ive put together a series of videos that talk you through every single step: These easy-to-duplicate affiliate windfall secrets come in the form of seven brand new videos you view directly at your computer. Ive bundled these powerful videos into a product called Affiliate Windfall Secrets: These seven videos come to a total playing time of 79 minutes. Heres a quick run down of exactly what you get: Video One (5 Minutes) In this video youll discover the building blocks to creating affiliate cash windfalls on demand. Video Two (13 Minutes) Here Ill go much more in depth into the exact step-by-step elements you need to put together to make sure your affiliate promotions are a runaway success. Video Three (10 Minutes) In this video Ill talk you through a case study of mine - a slightly different way to put together an affiliate promotion, that can also work incredibly well (it also has a number of unique advantages too as youll see). Video Four (11 Minutes) Here Ill talk you through real life case studies of email promotions I put together, and how you can use these as templates to help you profit even more with your affiliate marketing. Video Five (17 Minutes) In this video Ill talk you through how I put together the design and copy of an affiliate promotion web page - youll see just how easy it can be. Video Six (8 Minutes) Here Ill talk you through how I create and use PDFs to help affiliate promotions stand out. Video Seven (15 Minutes) In this video I talk you through a case study of a certain affiliate promotion that pulled in hundreds of sales in less than a week - and - youll see exactly how it was done. For PCs Only - Not For Mac I must tell you that this eBook only works (to my knowledge) on PCs. If your computer is running Microsoft Windows, you wont have any trouble at all viewing this eBook successfully. However, if youre on a Mac youll more than likely have trouble viewing it.

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