*NEW!* Standup Comedy - The Secret to Becoming a Successful
Stand-up Comedy -the Secret To Becoming A Successful Comedian
Has Anyone Ever Told You That You Could Be A Stand-Up Comedian?
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10:03 am, Thursday Morning
Dear Friend,
Well, here’s your chance to try it out for size. Just think, you are making jokes and everyone is laughing. As you were growing up, you kept your friends, family and classmates in stitches. They would fall over whenever you told a joke. They couldn’t get enough of them and always wanted you to keep them supplied with more.
Then it dawned on you—if you could do that with just familiar faces, what says that you couldn’t do it with complete strangers? Then, an idea was born—being a stand-up comedian! You’ve always excelled in making people laugh. Now you were looking at bigger and better things for yourself.
With this report, Stand-up Comedy (The Secret to Becoming a Successful Comedian!), you will be able to learn the tricks of the trade. Stand-up comedy is a great way to get noticed by others. It is a different kind of comedic adventure. Stand-up comedians get a kick out of performing for a live audience.
The focus is to get their audience to laugh at their jokes and other material. There have been many famous comedians who have started out in stand-up comedy and have excelled big time with television sitcoms and movies.
In order to be a successful stand-up comedian, you have to know how to make audiences like your material so that they will enjoy your show. If you don’t satisfy them, you will know about it.
Making people laugh is not always easy...
But if you have that gift, you should expound on it! Laughter is great for the soul, body and mind. It is a way to channel those sad emotions to happy emotions.
On the other hand, stand-up comedy is not the easiest thing to master. It is very important that the audience is quickly receptive to the comedian’s material. Stand-up comedians usually relegate themselves to one man or woman shows. However, there are times when they will have an opening act.
Stand-up comedians go through great strides to deliver material and jokes that will make their audience laugh. If they don’t, they will be ridiculed and heckled by some in the audience. They can overcome that and win back the audience. They also win over their audience by not working so much on their own feelings, but making amends in order to please the audience.
In this report, you will discover:
• Why you need to know why style of comedy will fit you
• Why you should go and see other comedians perform
• Why you should connect with your personal life when looking for material and jokes
• Four kinds of jokes you can test out
• The purpose of practicing your comedy routine
• One of the first places to go to test out your material
• What to do if you don’t feel up to par with jokes and material you have written
• Why you should talk to other people in the industry
• What you need in order to start writing stand-up jokes
• The one thing to tell friends and family members when practicing your material in front of them
And Much More!
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
How To Develop A Style Of Comedy 4
Beginning Steps 6
How To Find Your Comedic Voice 7
How to Write Stand Up Jokes 8
How To Polish Your Stand-Up Routine 9
Don't Quit Your Day Job………Yet 10
How To Find Open Mics 11
Marketing Yourself And Booking Gigs 12
How You Should Dress 13
How To Relax Before Your Comedy Performance 14
Performing Tips 15
Serious Tips For Stand-Up Comedians 18
How Stand-Up Comedians Can Get Into TV or Film 21
Conclusion 23
Resources 24
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