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*NEW!* Thumbnail All About Internet Marketing eBook PLR

All About Internet Marketing - Promoting Your Business - PLR

Get Your Hands On 24 Ready To Go Newsletter Issues With Unrestricted
Private Label Rights!

- All you have to do is plug in your promo ads, copy paste and send! -

Dear Internet Marketing Friend,

Are you sick and tired of writing and hunting down content to send to your subscribers? Then spending even more time editing that content into a newsletter issue that makes sense? Well now you don't have to worry about that any more. At least for a little while!

Introducing a copy, paste and send solution that will save
you hours of time and trouble!

The "All About Internet Marketing" newsletter package is a nice collection of private label articles all preformatted in a ready to go newsletter style format. All you have to do is plug in your promo ads and any other content or publisher notes that you want and send it to your subscribers.

It only takes a few minute to customize all of the issues!

Yes, you read right! It only takes a few minute to customize all 24 issues included in this package. You can add your name contact information and URL with just a few clicks of your mouse. Leaving you more time to focus on more important things like promotion, lead generation, list building and product creation.

What makes this even better is that once you have all of the issues customized you can plug them into your autoresponder, set them to go out every week or once or twice a month and then let them do their job! Which is to keep you in the mind of your readers on a regular basis.

Not only do you get 24 ready to go issues, you also get everything you need to use this content and even profit from it! Just keep reading to find out exactly what you will be receiving
if you grab this brand new newsletter package with unrestricted private label rights now!

PLR Newsletter Set:

All About Internet Marketing
"Learn the Basics of Promoting Your Business with Internet Marketing"

No-Restriction Private Label Rights: You'll Get The Newsletter Issues In Text and Word Doc Format + A Complete Graphics Package with PSD Source Files!

Description: The All About Internet Marketing newsletter series will provide you with quality information on internet marketing. You will receive 24 ready to go issues that will allow you to teach your readers what it is, how it works and how they can use to effectively use it to market their own profitable business on the internet.

- Including A Ready To Go Squeeze Page -

Just add in your own subscription form and go!

Here Are Some Samples Of The Content

Here's What You Will Receive With This Newsletter Package

1 Newsletter Complete Series - You get the complete newsletter collection containing 24 issues in both text and doc format (source code that you can edit) to create your own customized newsletter issues.

Custom Designed Cover Graphics - the cover graphics come in several different sizes. You also get the Photoshop (PSD) source files, so that you can quickly edit the covers and add your name to them!

The Private Label Rights License - this gives you the right to edit the content and the graphics, brand them as your own and use them to promote your products and affiliate programs!

A Complete Resellers Package - This is an extra special bonus that will allow you to package up this newsletter set and sell it as your very own product.

"Grab Your Copy Of This Package Now While
It's Still Available!"

Disclaimer: If you request and receive a refund or chargeback from the product you agree to discontinue use and remove all files downloaded from this offer. We will monitor the usage of our products. If you continue to use of any part of the product you will be breaking copyright law and we will take legal action!

This product comes with unrestricted PLR Rights:
[YES] Can be sold
[YES] Can be given away for free
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be added to free membership sites
[YES] Can be offered through auction sales
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be edited or modified and put your name on it
[YES] Can sell resale rights
[YES] Can sell master resale rights
[YES] Can sell private label rights
[YES] Includes sales copy
[YES] Includes sales page graphics

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File Data

This file is sold by masterkeys, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 2 megabytes
File Type ZIP
Customer Rating
Rated 5 out of 05, based on 1 review(s)
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