Sold by blink17 on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,278,206 satisfied buyers
SmartSite Graphics Software&Templates
"Never Be Stuck For Web Graphics, Templates, Bullets, Buttons Or Banners Again - Increase Your Sales And Create Stunning Looking Web Sites!"
Here's everything you and your customers need to give your site(s) a complete professional make-over. . .
It's called ' Smart Sites - Internet Marketer's Web Kits'
This amazing collection includes all the components you need to create dozens of cash pulling sites in lightning quick time. From complete professional grade web templates to specific ready made (just add content) marketing templates including firesale, sales letter, squeeze pages and one time offers. Just add your product information and go!
Here's What's Inside The Kit:
20 Cool Bullets You Can Use In Your Sales Letters
50+ Buttons - Subscribe, Order, Join, Download + Blanks.
17 Site Scruffys (Personalise pages with 'handwritten' messages proven to up conversions)
5 Proven Click Magnet Banner Templates.
Instant Direct Response Sales Letter Template.
Instant 'Super Offer' Fire Sale Template.
Instant 'Squeeze Page Template.
17 Basic Web Templates (Great for content or Adsense).
14 Pro - Quality PSD Templates.
30 Premium Quality HTML & PSD Templates.
An Easy To Use W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G. Web Editing Software.
Super Fast Article Page Machine Software.
Download Page Creator Software.
Subscriber Snatcher Software.
File Data
This file is sold by blink17, an independent seller on Tradebit.