MP3 Various - Musical Pacifier
Music from the Award Winning Baby Prodigy DVD. Child friendly classical music selections re-orchestrated by our two-time Emmy Award Winning Composer.
24 MP3 Songs
KIDS/FAMILY: General Children''s Music, KIDS/FAMILY: Kid Friendly
About the Baby Prodigy Company:
Baby Prodigy’s award winning DVDs and CDs have been delighting babies, toddlers and parents since the Company’s inception a few years ago. Winning over 16 National Awards including Parenting Magazine’s 2005 Video of the Year, these products, unlike any others on the market, educate and entertain children ages 0-3 years old. Based upon the concepts contained in Random House’s book authored by the Company’s creator, parents can now take advantage of these one of a kind concepts to help them raise smarter & happier babies.
Composed by an Emmy Award winning composer and re-orchestrated just for your little ones, parents will love the musical pacifier series. Created to pacify your little one, these DVDs will also nurture and help the development of your babies brain with the lovely sounds of this special classical music.
Musical Pacifier CD Awards include:
A Parenting Magazine "Best Pick" September 2005
2004 Toy of the Year, Creative Child Magazine
Film Advisory Board Award of Excellence
Hot Products 2004, IParenting
Dr. Toy’s Best Vacation Product 2004
Baby Prodigy and the creator have appeared on national television, radio and print including The New York Times, The Los Angeles Daily News, Good Day LA and Fox News.