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SEO Copy Writing Secrets Audio Book

Dear Friend,

Answer this question: Does every ad, sales letter, and web marketing piece you create produce the results you're really after? Are they as profitable as you'd like them to be?

Even if your ads and sales letters are doing all right... even if you're squeezing out a few sales on the Internet... wouldn't you like to increase your results by as much as 9 times?

It's just that simple. Look, I don't care how great your product is, how attractive your website may be, what lists you're using, how well ranked your website is on the engines, how inexpensively you can reach thousands of prospects on the web, or how unique any other component of your advertising might be.

The bottom line is this: If you don't do an exceptional job of motivating your prospects to take immediate action... if you bore them for one second... if you confuse them... or don't do the strongest job possible of closing them once you have their attention...

I'm sure you know from experience that this is absolutely true. Haven't you run an ad or mailed a sales letter you were sure would sell like crazy -- only to have it fail dismally?

Bob knows this painful outcome is all too familiar. Because a full 90 of his clients tell him they've been through this.

Hold on. Maybe you're thinking, "So what. This doesn't really apply to me. I do most of my marketing on the Internet. And since it doesn't cost me anything to advertise, everything I make is pure profit."

Unfortunately, that kind of mushy thinking is killing your sales. While it's true that it doesn't cost much to market on the Internet, the real problem is the competition for customers is staggering.

Right now, there are over 320 million web sites on the Internet! Which means you're in an all-out war for "share of mind." Just getting people to discover your web site, much less pay any real attention to it, is an enormous challenge.

Bottom line, ask yourself this question: "If Internet marketing costs so little, how come I'm not making more money with my web marketing?" Bob knows from what his clients tell him that the vast majority of people marketing on the Internet are getting lukewarm results at best.

In addition to reporting poor response and results with their online and offline marketing, his clients also tell him they wish they were much better copywriters. Or they knew more about how to effectively judge and improve the copy they get from their copywriters.

There are a lot of courses on writing copy. Some good, some completely useless. What makes this section (and the entire course) so different than all the other books and courses on writing copy is this:

Tags: seo
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