*NEW!* Content Screener With Resale Rights
Discover How This Duplicated Content Checker Software Can Help Prevent You From Being Penalized By The Search Engines
Introducing Content Screener
Content Screener
Software Valued at $37
What This Amazing Software Does:
Content Screener
Compares two articles side by side and reveal to you the percentage of duplicated content between the two articles
Content Screener
Shows you exactly which are the parts that are duplicated using different color highlighting
Content Screener
Saves you time and effort when rewriting articles due to the easy comparison
Content Screener
Displays the keyword density of each article for the keyword youve chosen
Content Screener
Helps to check on your freelance writers work and ensure all your content are not duplicated and will never be penalized by the search engines
Content Screener
And Much Much More!
Giveaway Rights To The Software
Worth $27
And to make this even more irresistible, Im going to give you the Giveaway Rights (Worth $27) to this software which allows you to be able to distribute it freely to your either your subscribers or your prospects.
You can use it to add value to your subscribers and keep them happy or use it as an ethical bribe to get people to opt in to your list.
Its completely up to you!
So dont hate yourself for missing out on this crazy opportunity!
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