MP3 Butterfly Sky - Turn
A soulful eclectic folk duo with powerful songwriting and sweet harmonies.
12 MP3 Songs
FOLK: Modern Folk, FOLK: Folk Blues
"I''ve been handed a lot of CDs, and "TURN" is the best I''ve heard in five years. Play me number two [Sweet Magic Starlight]!" -- Danny Terry, Venue "Luckenbach, TX" in Luckenbach, TX (2005)
"Barb’s crystal clear, well-crafted harmonies weave themselves around Greg’s smoky-voiced, enigmatic lyrics. They create a sound that you need, and want, to listen to again and again. BUTTERFLY SKY provides a wonderful evening of listening." -- Walter Lee, Coahoma Community Concert Series, Texas (2004)
"GREAT day Sunday!!! I have been listening to the CD since you last saw me. The only problem with it is, I can''t stop listening to it!! Good Stuff!" -- Tom Schultz, Spring Valley, IL (2004)
"Everyone has a special place to go to, to find your center, to bring yourself into balance. It may be under a tree, or in a clearing by a stream, or maybe at the edge of a cliff. When I listen to Greg and Barb''s music it brings me into balance and leaves me feeling cleansed. My ears are left tingling with the sweet harmonies they do so well." -- Sifu Kevin Grissom, The Divine Dragon Tai Chi Studio, Fan, Kenosha, Wisconsin (2004)
Hear a voice like Lyle Lovett and the soulful delivery of Martin Sexton and mix with equal parts Eva Cassidy, Bonnie Raitt and the Carter Family, and you begin to imagine the sound of BUTTERFLY SKY. Duo Greg Greer & Barb Nashold draw from a deep well of engaging and insightful originals, their soulful harmonies bursting with life. Theirs is a shape-shifting dance of joy, loss, healing, laughter, love and occasional socio-political commentary as they relate to themselves and their fellow humans. With a view from their tour bus and a nod to the butterfly, it’s the journey, not the destination that captivates this duo.
And journey they do in their vintage 1983 silver and blue coach tour bus, affectionately named Gracie. The couple’s magical meeting place in 2003 was the Underground Wonder Bar in their hometown Chicago, and only a few months later they took up the Willie Nelson theory of touring and hit the road year ‘round. The highways and byways east of the Mississippi know Gracie’s tire treads well, but she’s a Texas gal, and she always seems to point home to the Lone Star State, carrying the duo’s music along with her.
In their live shows, Greg’s rhythmic picking and strumming patterns create an energetic accompaniment to the intense harmonies of the voices. The lyrics tell stories with insight and compassion as the music flows effortlessly through folk, country and blues with touches of gospel, jazz and world music. “TURN,” the BUTTERFLY SKY debut album, reflects the duo’s live sound. As they tour through Texas, the Midwest and the Northeast, the duo is already playing songs from the new album, scheduled for release May 2006. “Mr. Lock Man (Mend My Love)” tells the story of a mythical locksmith who, instead of mending locks, mends broken hearts. “Coal Miner’s Sun” is about a man gone wrong whose “windshield is darker than a coal miner’s sun.” Years ago in a Boston subway, a woman twirled around Greg for hours as he played. Suddenly she woke up as if she’d been in a dream state, inspiring the song “Dancer.”
Greg’s performing and songwriting career stretches back 16 years, at times a rock drummer and lead singer, a blues singer and harmonica player, a country crooner and in recent years an acoustic singer-songwriter. His rhythmic and lyrical tendencies became apparent early in life. At age 12 he was the only drummer, flute player, piano player or songwriter in his family. A decade later Greg found himself on scholarship at Southern Baptist College in Arkansas, singing and touring with the Southern Singers. He then made a sharp turn toward the rock world and followed a ragged path from Arkansas to Memphis, Hollywood, Las Vegas and finally the Caribbean. It was in St. Thomas, VI that Greg began to play acoustic guitar and write the stories of people he met in his adventures, including himself. The island hills overlooking the ocean became his practice spot as Greg’s drumming hands found their way around this new instrument, creating his own sound. Eight years later Greg travels with his Gretsch jumbo body and about 80 original songs.
Barb started her music career at the ripe old age of one, crawling around joyfully blowing tooth marks into and noisy revelry out of her dad’s harmonica. Graduation to singing with her dad and his acoustic guitar soon revealed a natural gift for harmonies. Like others in her musical family, Barb also chose a brass instrument when she began playing trumpet at age 8. The horn is mostly silent now, but that improvisational quality sometimes still shines through in her vocal choices. Barb’s artistic explorations while a voice major at Monmouth College led her to a 10-year stay in the Chicago music community. The history-steeped halls of Old Town School of Folk Music became her musical home as she jumped headfirst from her training in music theatre, jazz and classical voice into the world of folk and roots music. And she hasn’t left since. Barb pens an occasional original for the BUTTERFLY SKY set list, including the spiritual “Mama Paris” and the middle-eastern flavored “Freedom Too.”
The duo loves to share music in intimate listening spaces and spirited festivals, with a fondness for House Concerts. BUTTERFLY SKY has also been invited to play respected venues such as Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago, Anderson Fair in Houston and The Wildflower Café in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Walter Lee of Coahoma Community House Concert Series in Texas has this to say: “Barb’s crystal clear, well-crafted harmonies weave themselves around Greg’s smoky-voiced, enigmatic lyrics. They create a sound that you need, and want, to listen to again and again. BUTTERFLY SKY provides a wonderful evening of listening.”
It’s said that the movement of a butterfly’s wing can change the winds across the world. What about two butterflies ...quot; or better yet, a whole community of butterflies joining their strength and splendor (such as the folk community)? Anyone who has seen a monarch migration knows how amazing that is ...quot; trees and sky absolutely pulsating. The butterfly is also a symbol of transformation and joy, which are two of the best elements of living. You could say that BUTTERFLY SKY means ‘boundless transformation and joy,’ something we wish for everyone!
1. ROBBER STEALS THE THIEF A rhythmic, bluesy duet with intense harmonies, written by Greg in 2003. A song to groove along to while you wonder how a robber can steal a thief in a relationship.
2. SWEET MAGIC STARLIGHT A sweet front-porch harmony ballad written in the Illinois farmhouse where Barb grew up. One night Greg awoke in the wee hours with a heavy heart looked to the beautiful starlit sky for solace. "Sweet magic starlight, won''t you ease my troubled mind. Please ease all my heartache, so I can dance into your midnight light."
3. THE BREAKUP SONG After a relationship ended in Boston years ago, Greg found himself dejectedly wandering about with guitar in tow, revisiting the places the pair used to go. At one special bench he mused at how two people can pass through the same sphere and yet have completely divergent paths. "And they say that love will come back to those who don''t chase it down at all. But can the moon caress the sun in the evening sky where each of them must fall."
4. GUNS, LOVE AND LIVES This song is about two lost souls who find themselves in a state of hopelessness, feeling that they have caused too much pain during their time on earth. Their succinct advice is, "Don''t play with guns, love and lives."
5. OOOEEE-SHA-SHA (FOOTPRINTS AS WE GO) An oft-requested favorite from the album, a duet chock full of harmonies. A vacation song. A kick-up-your-heels song. A dancing song. A sing-along song. Written for Greg''s mom. "Put your cell phone in a lock box, have them forward all your calls. Make sure you leave enough food for the cat to eat, make sure somebody''s walkin'' your dog. Make sure you scream at the airport before you get on that plane, ''See you later alligator, I gotta catch you later, ''cause freedom is my name.''"
6. SHE DOESN''T CRY Barb sings this ballad that Greg wrote about a girl missing the father who went away. "Maybe she was the reason; she may never know. Misplaced through all the seasons, Christmas will come and go. There''ll be no presents from her Daddy''s hands. Maybe he''s saying a prayer that she''ll understand."
7. YOU NEVER KNOW Written by Greg at a lake in the Northwoods of Wisconsin in the first month of touring with Barb. He was thinking how you never know what life will bring or when you''ll fly. "Went out to the lake, trying to make the meaning of something, hurt my heart too much. Was it a mistake? Was I just biding time, making up rhymes? Count the cost to what it''s worth... You never know where the end begins, but you have to try anyway. You never know ''til it takes off in your hands. You never know when your wings decide to open up one day, and you get carried away by a breeze that blows."
8. GOING BLIND In Minocqua, Wisconsin, Greg was sitting in the bus thinking about how we''re losing so much of what is natural and good in this world. "Birds are still trying to fly through those friendly skies. Jet planes, trains and automobiles. Smog is growing thicker and there''s too much liquor being sold with bikinis on a young man''s TV screen... It''s too bad we''re going blind. Winter, spring and summer sure were fine. The seasons used to change, but now I''m too deranged. And it''s too bad we''re going blind."
9. FREEDOM TOO Barb wrote this acappella song in late 2001. Its flowing middle-eastern flavored melodies explore how all people want freedom, but have different ways of comprehending just what freedom is. Hearing each other''s hearts gives us a glimmer of hope for peace and understanding. The song begins, "You have soiled my soul. You defile my God. I cannot condone your existence here on this earth," and ends in the same voice with, "Free to praise the eastern skies. Free to raise our children well. Freedom to walk through heaven''s door. Freedom to... We want freedom, too."
10. SIX FEET UNDER One fine summer day in Chicago Greg walked to a little park that he''d seen from the Navy Pier ferris wheel. When he arrived he found a gold-framed, faded picture of a young soldier sitting atop a Vietnam War Memorial. The young man had thrown himself on a grenade to save three other soldiers. Greg felt anew how immensely sad it is that we bring babies into this world only to see them die in yet another war.
11. WOULD YOU LIKE TO DREAM A song full of harmonies and written when Greg and Barb were in Dallas picking up their bus, only 17 weeks after they met and began singing together. Struggling to trust someone to take your dream to heart as you do and opening your life to that person to dream with you is a difficult and beautiful experience. "Words come out too hard when I''m talking to you, afraid you''ll disregard what it is we''re trying to do. You know I''ve had this dream of standing on the stage. Seems so many things got in the way... So if you''re one of me and if I''m one of you, let''s see what we can see, do what we gotta do. Would you like to dream with me?..."
12. CLOSE AT HEART Greg accompanies himself on piano in this beautiful ballad about being drawn to the road and longing for the person you love. "Now the road is calling through my happiness. Though I stand like a child, this man must move on. Please don''t ask me why it''s like this. And while my heart is breaking to see your tears, ''I''ll be back someday'' just seems to cruel to say, when you''re close at heart... The loneliness will come, the silence too much, and when I long for you there in my times of despair, when I just need your touch, I''ll say a prayer only God understands that He gives me the strength and the patience to wait just to see you again, to be close at heart."