The Prayer of Greater Miracles
The Usnisa Vijaya Dharani
Benefits: produces a profound sense of peace, tranquility, and inner calm in the user, animals that hear it, and the general area in which it is played.
There are many doors within the teachings of the Buddha that lead to the higher development of the soul. However, there are only two main doors that lead to the highest development of the soul. Those depending on \"self effort\" and those depending on the effort of others. The effort of others in this case includes the power and assistance of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
The \"self effort\" of sentient beings is very limited and to achieve some measure of success, it would be extremely difficult. However, the \"Dharani\" doors employing the effort of others can be very successful.
The Usnisa Vijaya Dharani originated from a blessing given to a man named Devaputra Susthila. This man now lives in one of the great Primordial Worlds of Heaven, Because of his actions on earth, after his death, he was destined to fall into the animal realm for seven successive lives. Following that, he would fall into hell to endure great sufferings. Only after he had undergone this punishment in hell would he be born as a human. Even then, he would be born in a poor and disreputable family. He was then destined to be born without eyes for seven hundred successive lifetimes.
Before his death, Devaputra prayed to the Lord of Heaven for mercy. Out of compassion for Devaputra Susthita, the Amida Buddha gave him a great blessing. According to the legend, The Amida Buddha, together with more than 100 million other Buddhas, proclaimed The Usnisa Vijaya Dharani for Devaputra.
Instantly, multiple rays of light radiated from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, illuminating the world in all ten directions.
Thus, Devaputra Susthita was liberated from falling into the paths of lower existence.
To quote the Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Sutra, \"... if someone hears this Dharani even for just a moment, he will not undergo karmic retribution from the evil karma and severe hindrances accumulated from millions of lifetimes, that would otherwise cause him to revolve in the cycles of birth and death - in all kinds of life forms in the evil paths - hell, hungry ghost, ferocious animals, crawling creatures and even ants and other life forms ... he will be reborn in the Buddhalands, together with all the Buddhas, or in a distinguished, wealthy and reputable family.
The Usnisa Dharani also states, \"... If one can chant this Dharani 21 times daily, he is worthy of accepting all the immense worldly offerings and will be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss after his death. If one chants this Dharani constantly, he will attain a form of enlightenment and be able to lengthen his lifespan besides enjoying the most extraordinary bliss ... \"
This is an extremely important spiritual prayer.
It can eliminate all evil karmic hindrances and eradicate the suffering of all evil paths. This prayer can also elevate the souls of one’s ancestors out of debtor’s prisons and other hell-like conditions.
This prayer has the power to liberate parts of the soul trapped in the clutches of lower entities.
After hearing this prayer, it totally eliminates any possibility that the listener’s soul may end up in a hell-like existence in the next life.
This prayer liberates all souls who hear it (animal or human), from of falling into the sea of birth and death; samsara.
The cycle of physical birth and death is ended by repeating this prayer.
Therefore, The Usnisa Vijaya Dharani is a powerful and wonderful medicine that can universally free sentient beings from the sufferings in the cycles of birth and death. This has fully demonstrated the great compassion of the Buddha to save the world. Memorizing this prayer permanently transforms and elevates the soul.
The Usnisa Vijaya Dharani is given with the aim that all sentient beings living in this troubled and tumultuous world would benefit from it. The Usnisa Dharani will help beings overcome their sufferings and obtain happiness, increase their prosperity and longevity, and help them achieve rebirth in a world of light populated by Immortal Enlightened Beings.