Sold by ebookmaze on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,276,805 satisfied buyers
Ken Lain World Class Bench Press
"Ken Lain's Record Breaking Crusade in the Bench Press"
Add 25 lbs or more to Your Bench Press GUARANTEED! That's right! In less than 65 days you will be bench pressing at least 25 lbs more than what you are currently capable of pressing. That is if you follow the advice of Ken Lain, one of the premier bench pressers in the world and a member of the exclusive '700 Club' in that lift. Ken was the first man to set the world record (bench press) lifts in the three heaviest weight classes: 242 lbs, 275 lbs, and super heavyweight.
One of Ken's success components for ultimate training is the bold and revolutionary 10 Week Matrix Bench Press Program and Ken reveals it in this special interview eBook. This is your golden opportunity to DOMINATE mountains of heavy iron in the bench press like never before. Caution: Side effects may include: Wide-Load Shoulders, 18" arms, and a 50" chest.
Tags: bodybuilders work out, exercises working out, fittnes muscle
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This file is sold by ebookmaze, an independent seller on Tradebit.