10 New Niche Sites With Full Master Resale Rights
*Reasonable Price For 10 Niche Sites*
Exclusive Site Building & Features You Wont Find Anywhere!
SEO Keyword Article Management System - This is one of our secret weapons. Remember that all your content is unique and fresh, created just for your site... then watch what happens each time a visitor (or search engine) comes to your site! The software allows you to specify what article you want shown for a specific keyword phrase. In the past, you were forced to use an article rotator on your site if you had more keywords than articles. Now you can specify a specific article per keyword or let the script randomly display an article. As you add more articles, you can easily assign them to new keyword phrases.
SEO Friendly RSS Feeds - Youve heard all the buzz about RSS, right? This is a whole new channel for your information, and the custom RSS script weve created (you cant get this anywhere else) creates RSS news feeds that the search engines will love. All you do is choose the keywords and the source of the feed, and the script does the rest.
Affiliate Product Placement - Running AdSense ads is just one source of income - weve learned its best to have each site bringing in multiple income streams. So weve made it easy to place Amazon products, Clickbank Products, and even your own products on your content site quickly and easily. You just update one file - your affiliate products show on every page of the site. You can change your products anytime you want, and its quick and simple to do.
Easy Push-Button Updates - Weve made it quick and easy to update your site with a few keystrokes. You can change all your ad codes (including AdSense), articles, navigation elements, footer, and affiliate products by just inputting the new data. Then the changes take place automatically across your entire site! Experiment with AdSense colors and sizes, add new channels, new affiliate products - its easy as 1-2-3.
Add New Rotating Content With Ease - If you want to keep your site growing, you must keep adding content. We make it easy to take your new articles, save them to the articles folder, and bam! - you have new content that starts rotating instantly.
State of the Art Control Panel to Manage Everything
Brand new admin area for every site: Each site comes with a built in admin area to manage your content site(s). Login to your admin area and make changes to your site, add articles, manage keywords, edit the configuration file, add pages to the site, add links to the pages and edit your affiliate program info. This new feature makes it simple for even a newbie to build a virtual real estate empire.
Edit and add articles in the admin interface: Upload new articles, edit existing articles with a click of a button. This exclusive new feature can add a ton of new content to your site easily. Change the titles, change the content, modify existing articles and add as much content as you wish, with a few mouse clicks.
Add and delete keywords in the admin interface: Easily add new keywords to your content sites and delete keywords that you no longer wish to use. This feature has great potential to change your sites as your niche changes. For example, imagine having a Gaming or Playstation site up and already indexed by the search engines. When the new PS3 or Nintendo WII hit the market, all you had to do was add the new keywords, new articles and you are already one step ahead of the competition. No need to wait for the search engines to list your site. The potential for this is huge.
Keyword Article Management System: With our new exclusive article management system, you can assign articles to keywords and keyword phrases. That way when a certain phrase or keyword is searched and someone arrives at your content site, they will see the exact article you want them to see. You can assign one article to one phrase or as many keywords and phrases that you wish or you can allow the system to rotate your articles for any given phrase.
TOS, privacy, links, contact pages, editable in the admin interface: These pages are very important in adding validity to your content sites. You can add/edit and manage your TOS, privacy, links, and contact pages right from the admin area. Add your info, click a button and thats it.
Robots.txt and custom error page: Weve added a couple of very important pages to our Phase 2 sites. Manage your robots.txt and 404 error page file right in the admin area. Control which bots you want hitting your pages and which pages you want them to see. Also, add affiliate info or products to your 404 error pages and capitalize when someone arrives at an error page.
Configuration file editable in the admin interface: Edit your configuration file right from the admin area. No more FTP (you can still use FTP if youd like but now you dont have to) just login to the site admin area and add/edit your details. Add an Adsense Channel easily, change your Amazon ID,
Rotating phrases for title, description and headlines: We understand how important title, description and headlines are in the search engines. The search engines put a lot of weight into these when crawling your sites. Now, you can add different phrases, descriptions and headlines that will be rotated on your content sites. This will also lower the footprint of your sites.
Image rotation next to Adsense and Affiliate Ads: Add as many 125x125 images as you want to your sites and the images will rotate as your pages load. This helps change the appearance of your sites and make them more appealing to your visitors.
Dynamic Links pages with one file to edit for the layout: Weve changed our links pages to be dynamic and they can be edited in the new Admin area. This allows you to change your links occasionally and remove links that are no longer valid helping you keep up to date and relevant content on your sites.
You will receive 10 Niche Content Sites with all the above features. This package includes 10 Sites with content included. The content is exclusive to this set of sites and will not be used in any other packages.
Sites Included:
Diabetic Cooking
GPS Navigation
Herniated Disc
The sites come with all the following features.
SEO Keyword Article Management System
SEO Friendly RSS Feeds
Affiliate Product Placement
Easy Push-Button Updates
Add New Rotating Content With Ease
Brand New Admin Area for Every Site
Edit and Add articles in the Admin Interface
Add and Delete Keywords in the Admin Interface
Keyword Article Management System
TOS, Privacy, Links, Contact Pages, Editable in the Admin Interface
Robots.txt and Custom Error Page
Configuration File Editable in the Admin Interface
Rotating Pphrases for Title, Description and Headlines
Image Rotation Next to Adsense and Affiliate Ads
Dynamic Links Pages with One File to Edit for the Layout