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MP3 Hope at Hand - Come Let Us Reason

This is the debut album from the five-piece christian metal band out of Fredericksburg, VA. Come Let Us Reason ep captures the undeniable power of their live performances and is matched with the passion of their pointed lyrics.

6 MP3 Songs in this album (28:32) !
Related styles: Metal/Punk: Metalcore, Spiritual: Christian Metal, Christian

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Out of the town of Fredericksburg, VA this 5-piece metal band has secured a loyal following over the last year. The undeniable power of their live performances and pointed lyrics have captured and deeply impacted their fans.
"We are pursuing something that has never been seen or heard before. We want to manifest the atmosphere of heaven and the voice of the Father to a generation through our music, lyrics, shows, and lives. When His presence comes, sick bodies are healed, broken hearts are mended, demons flee, and eyes are opened to His beauty."

And this has been the testimony.

Hope at Hand exists to bring the fragrance of lives lived before the Lord of Glory into the midst of a dark and dying generation plagued with hopelessness, addictions, oppression, death. To stand between heaven and earth and in that place declare to a generation through our music the beauty of holiness, the heart of the Father, the passionate love of the bridegroom Jesus and His zeal against all that hinders this generation from being His and His alone. We are a voice crying out to a generation calling them to turn to the Lord and preparing them to stand before the Judge who is coming.

Come Let Us Reason is a collection of songs we wrote in the process of discovering who we were as a band and what God was calling us to do. The name of the ep actually came from my wife during a 3 am prayer set at the Prayer Furnace (the ministry we run). We were praying about whether or not to go on tour and the Lord spoke to her out of Isaiah 1:16-18. We knew that the ep and the tour (which we consequently called the "justice to the fatherless" tour from the same passage) would be a reasoning with the generation to return to Lord just as they passage says,

"come let us reason together, says the Lord:
though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall become like wool."

We want our songs to be a catalyst to cause this generation to reason with the Lord. The Lord said that in that exchange he would forgive our compromise, wash us clean and transfer us from darkness to light. This is the message of the cross: there is still forgiveness and mercy if we turn from our compromise and give ourselves to Jesus.

That is why when it came time to write songs we felt the strong conviction that our music would be more than just our own artistic expression but they would be poignant and unapologetic about where we find ourselves in 21 century America.

Songs like "Wayward Sons", which we wrote out of Proverbs 7, is about wisdom calling out to her sons, reasoning with them to turn away from the adulteress woman. The song is a prophetic call to the generation to make war on the plague of immorality sweeping across the nation. For too long have we watched our sons and our prophets raped behind closed doors in front of computer screens in full bondage to pornography. It''s more than just a sin problem, its shutting the eyes of a generation and filling them with darkness...those same eyes that were meant to see God and encounter His beauty. A generation after the sexual revolution we are realizing all of our sons and daughters have lost their authority in the spirit because they are bound up in the chains of immorality.

"Decades of Night" is another song we felt is an arrow to the heart of an issue in which a generation must wake up, understand and cry out for mercy. The issue of the holocaust of Abortion.

"Cut the Ropes" is a song about leaving a life of compromise darkness and never looking back.

"Awaken Me" is the first song we ever wrote and played together. It is a prayer for the opening of the eyes and a "spirit of revelation". Paul prays in Ephesians 1:17-21, "that the Father of Glory would give you a spirit of revelation in the knowledge of Him and that the eyes of your heart would be filled with light". It is truly an awakening to another reality when God reveals Himself to the human heart.

"Selah" is a musical interlude from a melody we often play when we just want to worship. Usually in the middle of the live set we play that melody and I talk a little abut whatever the Lord gives us that night. That is also the time when we give any words for healing and ect. Then we just worship and allow God to fill the club and do what he does best. We recorded some preaching behind the song on the EP to give the listener a feel of what it''s like at a Hope at Hand show.

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