Sold by music on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,278,784 satisfied buyers
MP3 Larry Davis - Final Answer
Smooth R&B Jazz
10 MP3 Songs
URBAN/R&B: Rhythm & Blues, JAZZ: Smooth Jazz
Larry Davis was born with a unique Gift for music. He began playing music at an early age in elementary school giving recitals in the flutophone father purchased him his first saxophone in the 6th grade and immediately he joined the marching band, concert and jazz ensemble. As a professional he has played all generes of
music. While performing in the marching band in high school
and in college at Alabama A & M university he developed a great fondness for the R & B tunes performed at the half time shows. His rendention of these popular songs express
the very nature of who Larry is. His saxophone captures the
rich soulful soulful sounds of the artists themselves in a
way that is captavating and soul stirring. His horn invigorates and give new meaning to the phrase rhythm and
blues in a classy and jazzy way unlike never before.
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This file is sold by music, an independent seller on Tradebit.