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New Craigslist Script 2012

Not only is this script very easy to use but very powerful and full of many advanced features with many advantages over other classified ads scripts online. One major reason Craigslist has become so popular is due to its ease of use, and after a simple yet quick installation you can also run a very straight forward classifieds site like the most popular of them all.

This script is highly recommended to anyone that not only wants to run a classified ads website but also generate revenue which you can run on autopilot requiring very little work!

Easy to customize
You can easily edit the design layout by updating the template web files. Our multi-language support enables you to select the language preference, great for site owners who are starting a classifieds site in their native language. It also features category specific ad fields so that you can run a niche market (such as real estate classifieds, car classifieds, personals classifieds etc..) or a general classifieds website just like Craigslist. This is the perfect all-in-one classifieds software solution for your website!

Search Engine Friendly URLs
Most of the classifieds scripts in the market do not support this feature which results in your sites not being indexed by most search engines. We have added support for search engine friendly URLs in PHP classifieds script to ensure that the user's classified ads are also listed in the search engine results.

EZ -POST Module
Your visitors will love your classifieds site for this module. EZ-POST module is modeled after the highly popular classifieds site, Craigslist. With this module, your clients can simply post an ad without the need to register for an account and they can also view highly targeted classified ads sorted by Regions and Cities. This highly effective approach brings https://www.tradebit.com millions of dollars in revenues every year. Simplistic, yet feature-rich classifieds script will keep your visitors coming back for more.

Integrated Billing System
Automated billing system using Paypal to accept payment from users who are posting featured ads or extending their ads on your classifieds site. Admin can also easily create custom billing plans and manage transactions through our administration panel.

Basic User Features:

* No user registration needed to post!
* Free to post ads
* Unlimited categories and subcategories
* Unlimited regions, cities and areas
* Ability to add custom fields for each section
* Complete search feature, including custom fields
* Event Calendar
* Image Submissions
* Email verification for ads
* Image verification for spam protection
* Picture upload with ads
* Automatic resizing of photos to reduce dimensions and size
* Option for users to report abuse
* Automatic expiration of ads after a configurable duration
* Specify ad expiration time for each section
* Automatic deletion of ads after a configuratble number of abuse reports
* Form to email the poster, with attachment, without revealing his email
* Block certain attachments, like EXEs
* RSS feed of listings with configuration options
* Search engine friendly urls for ads (using mod_rewrite)
* Language file to change the text used on the site
* Setup different featured and extended ad options from the admin
* Automated Paypal gateway
* Control all aspects of ads from the admin
* Block users by IP address
* Bad word filter

Basic Administrative Features:

* Site language / Tools
* Initial city to show ads from
* Enable/disable event calendar
* Enable/disable image submissions
* Show/hide left and right sidebars
* Sort locations and categories alphabetically
* Number of columns for showing categories
* Ads/images per page
* Show number of ads next to categories
* Show number of ads next to subcategories
* Number of pictures uploadable per ad
* Maximum picture filesize
* Allowed picture file types
* Width and height of resized pictures and thumbnails
* JPEG quality of resized images
* Currency symbol to use
* Enable/disable image verification
* String to replace bad words with
* Show/hide latest ads in homepage and number of ads to show
* Show/hide category list in the left sidebar
* Maximum number of abuse reports needed to automatically delete an ad
* File types and maximum size of attachements allowed when contacting posters
* Number of ads to include in the RSS feed
* Number of characters to show for ad description in the RSS feed
* Enable/disable featured ads and extended ads
* Adsense ads and more!
* Make money!

Unix, Linux or Windows server,
PHP 4.3.4 or later
MySQL 3.23.58 or later
Tags: ad

User tags:
classified, craiglist, php script

User tags:
free traffic, wordpress plugins, craigslist, clickbank
File Data

This file is sold by ebooksmusicmovies, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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