101 Tips For Sell Your Home Mrr.rar
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................. 7
Category 1: Knowledge is Power .................................... 9
Tip 1: Before anything else, grab a powerhouse of
knowledge................................................................. 9
Tip 2: Be a listener, and be a GOOD one...................... 10
Tip 3: Basic rule: dont get locked out of the market
because youve overpriced your house! ....................... 11
Tip 4: What are the ads saying? ................................. 11
Tip 5: Play detective ................................................. 12
Tip 6: Read and devour all that you can! ..................... 12
Tip 7: Realistically speaking, my house is really worth. 13
Tip 8: Play the real estate game seriously. ................... 13
Tip 9: Get only enough to get you started.................... 14
Category 2: Know thy Area/Community ........................ 14
Tip 10: Good schools? But of course!.......................... 14
Tip 11: Its the fitness thing, you know........................ 15
Tip 12: And what about concerts and that kind of thing? 15
Tip 13: Will I fit in the area? ...................................... 16
Tip 14: Is there a doctor in the house? ........................ 16
Tip 15: How is the transportation system? ................... 17
Tip 16: No gossiping allowed!..................................... 17
Tip 17: Help, my cars been snowed in! ....................... 18
Tip 18: Cavities? ................................................... 18
Category 3: Know thy Abode ....................................... 19
Tip 19: Getting to know your housefor the last time.... 19
Tip 20: Did you say an in-ground pool? ....................... 20
Tip 21: Put romance back in their lives...................... 20
Tip 22: See, this garage door is really simple to operate!21
Tip 23: I never promised you a rose garden. ................ 21
Tip 24: Youll have a roof over your head for the next 25
years. ..................................................................... 22
Tip 25: Wow, a home spa! ......................................... 23
Tip 26: A house thats safe and sound. ........................ 24
Tip 27: What? No hot water again? ........................... 24
Tip 28: Someone forgot to look up the ceiling ............ 25
Category 4: Your Motives for Selling: Watch out for the
Psychological Effect..................................................... 26
Tip 29: Why am I selling? ......................................... 26
Tip 30:Not the time to be fickle ................................ 27
Tip 31: Nostalgia is a strong feeling ............................ 27
Tip 32: Im in a bind ............................................... 28
Tip 33: My home isnt a hotel! ................................... 28
T34: Listen up, but stay with your convictions! ............. 29
Tip 35: Im selling, no matter what. ............................ 29
Tip 36: Even well-meaning friends can derail you!......... 30
Category 5: Getting Serious and Getting Ready.............. 30
Tip 37: Time to go pro ............................................ 30
Tip 38: The radon test? ............................................. 31
Tip 39: This isnt a multiple choice test. ....................... 31
Tip 40: The wells run dry. ......................................... 32
Tip 41: Whats that smell? ......................................... 32
Tip 42: Actually, now that you ask............................ 32
Tip 43: Show that you mean business! ........................ 33
Tip 44: If I were buying this house ........................... 34
Tip 45: Is there an expert around?.............................. 34
Tip 46: Its the law, sir. ............................................. 34
Tip 47: You and I are different. .................................. 35
Tip 48: Did you inherit these doorknobs from your
grandmother? .......................................................... 35
Tip 49: That noise is driving me nuts! ......................... 36
Tip 50: Is this door going to fall on me? ...................... 36
Tip 51: So, how many insects do you have here?.......... 37
Tip 52: For you or the buyer?..................................... 37
Tip 53: Hold your horses! .......................................... 38
Tip 54: I wish you hadnt done that .......................... 38
Tip 55: Bring in a contractor. .................................... 39
Category 6: Letting the Word Out: Im Selling my House!
................................................................................ 40
Tip 56: Get the word out! .......................................... 40
Tip 57: Reach out far and wide!.................................. 40
Tip 58: Word of mouth is just as powerful as advertising 41
Tip 59: Can the company help me? ............................. 42
Tip 60: Ah, the old reliablethe bulletin board!............. 42
Tip 61: Am I missing the sugar? ................................. 43
Tip 62: Have you been negligent?............................... 43
Tip 63: How much do I want?..................................... 44
Tip 64: Will the buyer ask for flexibility? ...................... 44
Tip 65: Is this a good time to sell? .............................. 45
Tip 66: The truth will come out ................................ 45
Tip 67: Umm, how will I word this ad?......................... 46
Tip 68: Can you just state the bottom line please? ........ 47
Tip 69: Do your thinking before picking up that phone... 47
Tip 70: Wait and see................................................ 48
Tip 71: Where should I publish? ................................. 48
Tip 72: One is enough............................................... 49
Tip 73: Cyberspace? Do I really want Martians buying my
house?.................................................................... 49
Tip 74: Do you want to write a house story? Try the home
section, not the classified ads..................................... 50
Tip 75: What should I say? ........................................ 51
Tip 76: This is EXACTLY how I want it ......................... 51
Tip 77: Screen calls. ................................................. 52
Tip 78: Add Or best reasonable offer ........................ 54
Tip 79: Its my favorite day of the week! ..................... 54
Tip 80: Would you repeat that please? ........................ 55
Tip 81: How do I sound?............................................ 56
Tip 82: Take it down ................................................. 56
Tip 83: Are you a (phone) grouch?.............................. 57
Tip 84: Lets get serious here. .................................... 57
Category 7: Showing Your Home.................................. 58
Tip 85: It bothers me.............................................. 58
Tip 86: Dust collectors. ............................................. 59
Tip 87: Surround yourself with beauty......................... 59
Tip 88: I knew youd ask that!.................................... 60
Tip 89: Children OK, animals NO! ............................... 60
Tip 90: Whos that standing by the door?..................... 61
Category 8: Negotiations, Settlement and Contract ......... 61
Tip 91: Can we talk about your price? ......................... 61
Tip 92: It doesnt hurt to be honest............................. 63
Tip 93: My home is your home now ............................ 63
Tip 94: How quickly will he settle this matter for me? ... 64
Tip 95: This covers just about everything..................... 65
Tip 96: Can we change this a little bit? ........................ 66
Tip 97: About that money........................................ 67
Tip 98: Crossing the ts and dotting the is ................. 68
Tip 99: What, youve changed your mind? ................... 68
Tip 100: Youre willing to pay more for my house? ........ 69
Tip 101: Weeding out the curious. .............................. 70
Conclusion ................................................................. 71
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