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Articles 4 Newbies

Articles 4 Newbies

Free Traffic, One-Time Setup, Lifetime Visitors!.. Use Article Marketing To Explode Your Business!

Today You Will Learn Everything You Need To Know About Simple Writing Methods That Are Being Used By Everyone From Guru To Novice... FREE Advertising Strategies That Will Raise You To Expert Level!


Did you know that article marketing is a great way to get free advertising for your business?

Businesses can advertise through the creation of articles, and internet marketing campaigns benefit by the creation of content, which raises the presence of the company behind the internet marketing campaign.

Here are the contents of this video series:

The Fact!

* The answer to the question "What is Article Marketing and how can it help my business?" Watch this video to learn how article can REALLY help you and your business and bring leads from many different avenues.. not just from the article directories themselves!

The Anatomy

* The Anatomy of an Article - in this lesson you learn the basic makeup of a successful article. Articles are not as boring as they sound - in fact they can be quite fun to do and created very quickly when you learn this secret!

Create It!

* Creating Your Article from Scratch - this lesson teaches you some important aspects of choosing your subject that your readers will be interested in. Watch this video to learn what's going to happen to your article once it's been submitted!

The Title!

* Choosing the Perfect Title for Your Article - this lesson teaches you how to pick the perfect title for your article, and why it is so important! Do it right from the beginning and you can guarantee yourself less work in the future!

The Article!

* Composing the Body of Your Article - this lesson teaches you how to construct your article to achieve maximum results. You'll find out what the one objective is of your articles and why it's important to have everything follow-on from one to another in a specific sequence!


1000+ Unique Pre-Spun Review
Articles! Worth $197!

And lastly, what good is learning all these tricks of the trade if you're still unsure of how or where to start? We'll solve that for you by providing you with a bonus pack of 1000+ articles which you can replace with your affiliate links and submit to the major article directories!

Don't worry about duplicate content either! We've create 1000s of variations of these articles so yours will not look like anyone else's! The search engines will love them, the article directories won't make a fuss and you'll benefit from earning a hefty 50-75%.. even 100% commission with these articles!

These articles alone are worth the price of this video course but you'll get them absolutely free as a bonus to Articles4Newbies! But hurry, this is an exclusive bonus package which won't be here for long!

If you want to create an effective internet marketing business, using article marketing would be a wise choice!

* Many companies have been successfully implementing only article marketing strategies, showing just how effective these strategies can be.

* They will allow you to create powerful one way links to your website, which will give search engines a larger reason to continue indexing you, raising your search engine results in the process.

* They will allow you to turn valuable and informational articles into a means of becoming an authority figure, so that customers will come to trust your word.

* They will create numerous new avenues for visitors to find your website, often from places that they normally would not even be looking.

* They will increase your opt-in rates like never before! Some marketers use articles just for building their list and offer products later!

* They will increase your affiliate and product sales through the roof! Many marketers use articles soley to sell their own products and affiliate products!

If you want to create an effective internet marketing business, article marketing can make that happen for you.

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