MP3 Low Twelve - This Side Toward Enemy
Brutally heavy old school thrash with hints of death metal performed with the precision of a surgeon.
13 MP3 Songs
METAL: Thrash/Speed Metal, METAL: Death Metal
There aren’t many metal bands as resilient as Low Twelve. Founded in 1998 by bass player and vocalist Pete Altieri and guitarist Tim McCleland, Low Twelve began working on original material with vigor in a basement on West Graham Street in Bloomington Illinois. Together with original drummer Steve Chestney and second guitarist Les Aldridge, Low Twelve performed its first show on February 6, 1999 and has done more than 200 since. They quickly recorded two demos, “Blunt Force Trauma” and “Kill Floor” - each selling nearly 1,000 units each from sales at shows, various retail locations throughout the Midwest, and through their website.
In November of 1999, Steve Chestney was replaced with drummer Wes Pollock and the band set to record their first full length CD “Flesh of the Weak”. Immediately after the release of “Flesh” the band supported Pro-Pain on their Round 6 tour for the Midwest dates and began to gather steam in the metal press. Two songs off “Flesh” were put in the jukebox for Sonic Foundry’s Siren Jukebox 2.0 which has sold in the millions to date. This release also saw the song “Brutal World” on the movie trailer and in the film itself for Full Moon Pictures “Jigsaw” which was sold nationwide at Hollywood Video and Family Video stores.
In June of 2001, founding member Pete Altieri was diagnosed with cancer, and despite emergency surgery - had to undergo painful chemotherapy treatments. Determined to not stop playing, Pete continued to practice and perform all scheduled shows during his treatments. Ironically on 9/11/01 Pete found out he had beaten cancer and has remained in remission ever since. The treatments left their scar on Pete, as he still battles with painful neuropathy in his hands and feet. Only a month after Pete’s treatments ended, Tim McCleland left the band and had an untimely death in February 2002. Tim’s passing left the band devastated, as they continued to be close friends even after his departure.
Low Twelve was recording an EP, “Unfit For Human Occupancy” at this time and together with tons of video footage from their 2002 summer tour to the east coast, released a double CD/DVD with “Maggot Ridden Rotting Movie”. This June 2003 release was much anticipated and revered in the metal press, but was soon removed from the stores due to a threatened lawsuit from one of the people who appeared in the movie. Upon getting sound legal advice, Low Twelve agreed to remove the “Maggot” movie from the jewel case and only sell the “Unfit” CD. Less than 100 were sold in the original double release.
The band has written and published their own quarterly magazine called the Low Times since 1999 and will publish their 40th issue in 2006. In addition, they write and publish their own web magazine called the Brutality Report which will see its 400th issue in 2006. The Brutality Report is read by over 30,000 Twelve Heads each month and is published every Sunday. Both publications are edited by Pete Altieri.
Pete Altieri founded Heavycore in 1999 - an organization that supports real metal bands all over the world. It’s been through Heavycore that Low Twelve has made many alliances and played in states like Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kentucky, Kansas, Ohio, Michigan, Maryland, New York, and Oklahoma. Everyone that sees this brutal band perform live comments at how incredible it is to witness three guys sound like three hundred.
Through Heavycore, Low Twelve has appeared on four compilation CD’s (Core til Death I, II, III, and IV) and their video for “Lines Drawn” appeared on the Roasting Posers Volume I DVD.
2005 was a huge year for Low Twelve as they surpassed 200 live shows, and wrapped up the recording of their latest full length CD “This Side Toward Enemy”. It’s a ground breaking story set to extremely heavy music, and Pete Altieri has written a graphic novel of the same title. In addition, Pete Altieri has written a screenplay in hopes to produce a feature film with Low Twelve music making up the soundtrack in the near future.
On January 1, 2006 Low Twelve inked a record contract with Rotting Corpse Records of Chicago to release the “This Side Toward Enemy” CD. The band is very excited about teaming up with their new label to see the brutal express blow wide open to the metal masses! They’ll be doing some touring summer 2006 and will do many Midwest shows in support of the new CD.
This band proves there are no such things as limitations and waves the metal flag high and proud!