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Scribd Traffic Roadmap - Plr!

Scribd is such a New Venue for Marketers you can Virtually Write the Book on it So I Did!
Scribd Roadmap - Fast Track your Way to
Serious Traffic

Dear Entrepreneur,

This last year has seen some major changes for online marketers including heart-stopping drops in traffic patterns that have flowed along the same sure and steady channels for years.

All of a sudden, tried-and-true old ways just arent working. Search patterns are permanently changing, thanks to the alarming shift from computers to mobile devices last year (4 billion mobile users,

compared to only 1 billion for computers).

Thats why sites that share information and resources are suddenly becoming the new in. Its all about the buzz, and friend recommendations.

Social popularity and the traffic it brings

*Its not something you can manufacture

*Its not something you can fake.

And only those who really understand a trending phenomenon can live it and be one of the leaders.

What Do You Want to Be?
An Internet Celebrity or Hanger On?
Think thats over-dramatizing the importance of social web presence for you or your business? Well, think again. Even Google has woken up to the fact that small tips dropped on Facebook and Twitter can cause

more buzz than any other method combined. Their world-dominating search algorithms are taking a back seat to Twitter, Digg, chat, MySpace and Facebook recommendations
and Scribd.

Thats why they frantically created Google Buzz which bombed cataclysmically, because of an issue that saw it automatically share, without permission, staggeringly personal consumer information. Theyre

hastily revamping it, even as we speak, in a frantic effort to catch up and understand social networking.

(If this was a teen movie, it would be kind of like the nerdy science club boys trying to analyze why the popular crowd is cool and getting it horribly wrong.)

But forget Google Buzz, for now

What if you could harness this sort of social networking power to draw attention to your digital products, Power Point presentations and documents?

What if you could sell your digital products on a social platform or give them away for free, as part of a bigger strategy?

What if you could do without having to learn new ways to process your documents in fact, by using your favorite methods of document creation (both graphic and text-handling).

What if you could siphon more targeted traffic than youve ever done before?

But How Can I Do it With Scribd
A Platform Ive Barely Heard About?
And why is Scribd better than Google Buzz, with all the power of Google and internet domination behind it?
Lets put it this way. Google was so sure everything Google did was the ultimate authority, it almost missed its own boat!

Scribd, on the other hand, was pushing out to sea, on the right course, way ahead of the race.

Started in March 2007, Scribd combined focused business savvy (resulting in millions of dollars in seed money and investor funding) with a thorough understanding of social networking and a mission.

to provide a complete world library, filled with millions of documents in print.

Easily accessible

...easy to find

with its pulse tuned to the moment: To whats hot and whats not.

Last time I checked (yesterday) its Alexa traffic rank was 246.

It allows you to share ANY document for free

or in its online store!

So Whats the Down Side?
Well, there is actually very little in the way of drawbacks. But Scribd does have a vital few strict prohibitions and some fine print you need to carefully navigate, if you dont want to find yourself

banned for life.

Make no mistake, however, Scribd is drop-dead easy to use its very simplicity is one reason thats made it catch on like wildfire among authors, organizations, entrepreneurs and publishing companies!

But one thing I discovered (after some near-fatal mistakes) I discovered it would be helpful to have a roadmap, to steer you safely past the dangers and fast track you to your destination.

So (having steered past these shoals myself) I wrote one..

By destination, were talking about:

*Becoming an authority figure

*Providing strong social proof and expert acceptance

*Becoming someone whose works create that all-important buzz

*Seeing your organic searches skyrocket

*Seeing your links and backlinks rocket you up Googles page ranking system

*Seeing your traffic soar especially for those who have never felt comfortable (or had any luck) with traditional marketer ways of building traffic

How Do I Fast Track My Way to
the Pinnacle of Scribd?

Good question. Just follow the road map Ive written for you It will show you at a glance:

*Making the most of your Scribd profile - and the most important factors to remember

*12 ways you can get yourself known on Scribd (including 3 you may not have seen before, or thought of)

*What not to do on Scribd - 6 actions that can get you kicked off and 3 omissions that may shock you

*Scribd's double advantage - covering your bases from both sides

*The Scribd copyright secret that you can turn to your own best advantage

*Just 2 of the powerful reasons Scribd provides a perfect vehicle for your material - one that will net you traffic

*Why allowing Scribd readers to use these can create priceless buzz - and traffic

*The million-dollar Scribd question - and 8 ways to effectively use the answer

*The secret source of traffic you can miss - and how Scribd can serve it to you in record time

*The flip side of pre-qualifying traffic - and how it can be your best friend!

*Selling your works on Scribd's online store - and 3 things you absolutely need to know

*Why "R & R" doesn't mean "rest and relaxation" on Scribd - and why it's a benefit you need

*The little-known section you need to maximize - and the best way to go about it

*The shocking 3 subjects Scribd deliberately excludes - and its reasoning behind this

*Understanding Scribds bigger picture - and why it's a good thing for you

*7 steps to Scribd success (they're so easy you'll say "is that all?")

As I said, using Scribd is simple. And yes, if you took the time, you could dig out every nugget yourself.

Mind you, it would take you quite a while and theres a lot of old information to sift through also on the net. Its a full research job, finding out whats changed, whats been refined, and whats

currently in play as your best and most effective Scribd strategy

which prohibitions have been reversed and which actions (ones that were once allowed) are no longer in Scribds game.
Heres A Sample

Just one of the small but important factors you need to know now, before investing precious time and discovering this too late:

**Only U.S. residents are allowed to buy and sell from Scribds online store
(Not even Canadians can participate in their online store section, right now.)

Now, granted, that doesnt stop anyone from uploading and downloading documents for free.

And here are more great reasons why you should seriously consider doing so and making it a major part of this years traffic-building strategy!

*Peeling the onion - strategizing the strategy for extra traffic optimization

*9 unique advantages of article marketing on Scribd - and solving the problem of "duplicate content"

*The simplest document you can upload - and why it will delight your market

*5 suggestions for making this document unique - and you're free to think up even more

*What's in a name - how to avoid your reports being flagged and removed

*19 suggestions for upload material - and how not to break the rules

*Scribds definition of the difference between authorities and spammers - and how not to annoy your market

*The single most important extra step to take, when providing this type of document

*The secret of Scribd headlines - one "glitch you can unwittingly create - and how to use it to your advantage

*How to eliminate autoresponder newsletter woes - by serving these documents up via Scribd!

*How to instantly make yourself known - and a crucial traffic key you should never overlook for a second

*3 Scribd store features worth noticing that can really help you boost traffic

*Scribd's secret "twin" - and why it matters they're not totally alike

*The 2 key elements that make Scribd one of your most important traffic secrets

Dont spend hours on researching keywords any longer. Dont worry about Google search algorithms, or investing in huge learning curves, and devoting days to research.
Save yourself precious time and download my Special Report, Scribd Traffic Roadmap. Its the quickest and easiest way to fast track yourself to the sort of unique, highly optimized traffic you need in

todays buzz-driven online world.

Best of all, theres no risk to you, because...

"Scribd Traffic Roadmap
Comes With My 100 Percent, Unconditional
Money Back, 30-Day Guarantee

My New Special Report Scribd Traffic Roadmap Will Clue You In about All the Wonderful Differences Scribd can Make, to Help Your Online Business Traffic Grow

If you dont agree its packed with unique information and tips, and is a powerful way to get you started on the right track with Scribd (while giving you a thorough overview and understanding of exactly

what Scribd is and how to best use it), you can take advantage of my 30-day unconditional Guarantee and simply ask for a refund.

Remember any time at all within the next 30 days even if its in the middle of the night you can contact me and receive that refund, straight away.

And of course, you get to keep my Special Report with my thanks for taking the time to check out Scribd Traffic Roadmap.

So just do it position yourself right on the cutting edge and download Scribd Traffic Roadmap today. Simply click on the button, above, and youll be instantly taken to your download.

*"Yes! I want to learn more about Scribd and the advantages it offers my business - I want to fast track my traffic, and use these simple and refreshingly accurate tactics and techniques right now!

Please send me my copy of Scribd Traffic Roadmap - so I can decide if its as easy as you say to take full advantage of this innovative way of traffic generation without having to wrap my brain around

another major learning curve.

I understand your Special Report includes information about:

*Why Scribd deliberately reduced what other sites encourage

*The single most important prohibition you need to absolutely observe

*The one element you need to cover (and most people usually don't) when laying your Scribd business or marketing groundwork

*The single most surprising and delightful side effect that will have your traffic rate soar

*The single most important factor that gets all your documents read

*2 factors to include, when writing headlines for your documents

But most of all, Scribd Traffic Roadmap will save me hours of time, steering me past small but important hazards, and setting me firmly where I need to go.

Im ready to download

my personal copy of

Scribd Traffic Roadmap

So lets get started Im hitting that button right away!

Dont wait until everyone else has discovered this absolutely unique way to become:

*A socially-recognized authority figure
*An online entrepreneur with a solid stream of eager traffic
*Wildly popular in your niche (and also in niches you didnt know you could own!)

Get ahead of the crowd and make Scribd your personal traffic tunnel today.
Wishing you a breathtaking increase in targeted traffic!

Timm Miller

P.S. Theres an easy but real twist to what you need to know about creating traffic-funneling headlines on Scribd a glitch specific to their format that other sites simply dont have to deal with.

This glitch can be easily avoided or totally worked to your advantage! Download Scribd Traffic Roadmap right now and find out how to master this simple but top traffic-grabbing strategy for yourself,


scribd roadmap,roadmap
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