MP3 LUCKY - Our Daily Bread - Volume 2
This CD is (New Life) Faith Based Worship Music
15 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel, KIDS/FAMILY: Kid Friendly
Charles LUCKY Gibbs
1 Peter 2:9
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar*( a purchased) people;
That ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of the darkness and into his marvelous light.
Charles P. Gibbs was born premature with complications and was given the name “LUCKY” by his nurse because he was blessed to be alive. As an infant, LUCKY was prophesied over and claimed for GOD to do future great works in the service of The Lord.
Born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware from a double lineage of musicians, singers, artists and creators, LUCKY is an anointed talent; an artisan. At the age of eight (8), LUCKY began playing drums professionally for a family/ community group - “The Mary Dee Gospel Singers” and served as an evangelist/ youth leader for inner-city youth and gang members. LUCKY traveled the Eastern Seaboard States singing and playing music in prisons, churches, community centers and at city and corporate events.
Raised by a praying Christian Grandmother, LUCKY attended church because he loved to go. At 15, LUCKY was mentored by Rev. Dr. Harold Harrison at Northside Church of God and at 16 received his ordination as a Minister. LUCKY then joined and formed with his brother and cousins - The Smith Gospel Singers and served as Youth Evangelists, traveling the east coast. LUCKY was the vocal arranger for this acapella group and they were based in the independent, historic Mother A.U.M.P. Church – Apostolic. LUCKY also became a member of Campus Life - Youth for Christ and was involved with youth camping, Bible Study and Worship Services.
LUCKY enlisted in the military at 17, was chosen as Squad Leader and graduated with the Honor Platoon. Music was LUCKY’s destiny and called him out of the Army and into Southern California to be a drummer for another family band, Blacksmith. LUCKY also served under Rev. Ruben Hash of the Church of God in Orange County, California. He received his ordination and served as a young adult minister for (3) three years.
Working as a security guard at Mercy General Hospital, he met his future wife, Kalena, then a pediatric/obstetric nurse. LUCKY and Kalena became friends and then agreed to embark on a musical quest that was and is their higher spiritual calling. They married and started a family, a music business Q.U.T.E. Records, Inc. and moved back east to the inner-city family house in Wilmington, Delaware. Everywhere their children were, more children would gather and their creative home school and daily ministry turned into a Community Outreach – Recording and Performing Arts Activities and then into a structured Program for the youth of the city.
One music video produced for the City of Wilmington, Delaware was “Don’t Go There!”, an anti-car theft message that did its’ job and reduced youth car theft thirty percent (30%) during the three (3) months it aired on cable television. Thousands of youth and families on the east coast have heard or participated in the positive message - music video and stage productions that LUCKY and Kalena have produced. LUCKY, as well as his wife and their (5) children: Chaka, Kacha, Kalena, Charan & Chalena have served as Community Ministers and Faith-Based Ambassadors on projects with Mayor Sills and Mayor James Baker’s offices, Chief Judge Vincent Poppiti, State Senator Margaret Rose Henry, Governor and now United States Senator Thomas Carper. Their faith-based C.E.R.P.A.H. Initiative reached out to all of the youth at The Delaware Boys & Girls Clubs, Wilmington Parks and Recreation, as well as the youth of Girl’s, Inc.
The City of Wilmington, Delaware sponsored LUCKY in The World Championships of The Performing Arts in Los Angeles, California. LUCKY competed against 34 countries and won “Best Male Vocalist Overall” and the acapella gospel group “Favor” he mentored, also won Gold. LUCKY performed all original music and sang about God’s Love.
While raising their five (5) children, LUCKY served (2) years as a Worship Minister in Tabernacle of Faith- Full Gospel Baptist Church under Community/ Civil Rights Activist Rev. Dr. Aretha Morton. LUCKY was then called to Church of The Living Word and served as Minister of Music for two (2) years. He attended one (1) year of COTLW Bible College. Due to an electrical house fire that destroyed their family home and business, caused many moves and many changes within family living but never stopped the musical and spiritual fruit being produced for God’s Kingdom. LUCKY also served Pastor Derrick Johnson of Joshua Harvest Church as Minister of Music in what some people say is the roughest neighborhood in Wilmington.
Moved corporately to Colorado Springs, Colorado two years ago to run their YOUTH Recording and Performing Arts Program, LUCKY and his family found themselves homeless again due to circumstances they could not control and by the grace of God, were taken in by a CS Police Officer. LUCKY then praised his way through the spiritual warfare by singing, recording and releasing two (2) albums on the internet under their new independent record label: Sattori Records (SR). LUCKY also served as Minister of Music at The Tabernacle of Prayer for All People, Pastor Ane’ Thomas and as Minister of Music at Good News Church; Pastor Ralph Kelley. At Springs Worship Center, LUCKY served as a Youth Minister, musician, vocalist, producer and Youth Program Co-Director. In eight months since March 2005, YOUTH by YOUTH (YbyY)– A https://www.tradebit.comtive, https://www.tradebit.comational, https://www.tradebit.comrding, https://www.tradebit.comorming, https://www.tradebit.comrding & https://www.tradebit.comth Program has recorded over 45 community projects and produced two (2) successful concerts with 16 different youth groups coming from as far away as Denver. Two (2) community youth were saved during the concert’s alter call and two (2) church youth re-dedicated their lives.
Charles LUCKY Gibbs is expanding his Music Ministry in the production of the family of musicians, vocalists, songwriters & arrangers that are called S.E.E.D.= https://www.tradebit.comtified, https://www.tradebit.comated, https://www.tradebit.comnally https://www.tradebit.comcated… LOVEofLIFE Ministries (LOL) has also been created to express the celebration of the ministries of LUCKY, S.E.E.D: Trino Ramirez, Sammy Otero, Anthony Loma, Clifford Campbell, Pewe Lonnie Moon and co-ministers Kalena Gibbs, and Angela Campbell. LOL is also foundationally supported by Monica Ramirez and Madeline Otero. Also partnering with LOL, LUCKY & S.E.E.D. is Living Word Ministries International,
Pastor John Brannon, as well as Pastor Albert Loma; Victory Outreach, Colorado Springs. YOUTH by YOUTH (YbyY), is now a new 501(c)(3) Faith-Based Initiative. Sattori Records (SR) has grown from a vision/partnership into a for-profit arm of the non-profit corporations, with the business acumen of Overseer - Bishop John Brannon and the talents and skills of Charles LUCKY Gibbs, Karen M. Ripley-Gibbs, Angela Campbell & Clifford Campbell and David Harris. In addition, The Living Canvas (LC) – a barn in Black Forrest, Colorado is being developed to house one of the finest Faith-Based Art(s) Schools in Colorado and the U.S.A. This is a partnership with Kristine & Urban. YbyY, LOL, SR and LC are all under the umbrella of Living Word Ministries International of John Brannon’s Ministries.
LUCKY is expecting great things to happen while building God’s Kingdom -on earth as it is in Heaven. All honor, glory and praise is to Father GOD.