Irresistably singable, funny, sometimes exquisitely beautiful, diverse, very ''adult friendly'' superbly written songs for kids.
23 MP3 Songs
A live rock concert for kids and families with interactive songs, rocking grooves, and well-crafted, imaginative lyrics.
13 MP3 Songs
KIDS/FAMILY: Children''s...
Childrens'' Folk with rhythm, rap and rhyme
17 MP3 Songs
KIDS/FAMILY: Kid Friendly, KIDS/FAMILY: General Children''s Music
Willa Brigham is an E......
Cleverly crafted songs featuring well-loved pets from children''s literature as well as delightful new characters such as "Eleanor Gerbil," "Fred''s...
Upbeat family friendly music of all genres
11 MP3 Songs
KIDS/FAMILY: Children''s Pop, KIDS/FAMILY: Kid Friendly
Show all album songs: Family Recipes Songs