Classical-jazz fusion with electronic enhancement
12 MP3 Songs in this album (62:13) !
Related styles: CLASSICAL: Twentieth Century, JAZZ: Contemporary Jazz......
Acousta-tronic orchestral like trance music of cello, guitar, mandolin, typewriter, glockenspiel, xylophone,djembe, bongos, bell tree, a length of chain,...
Typewriter keystroke sound effect .wav #2
Description: The sound of a single keystroke on an electric typewriter
File Format: Wav
Properties: 48.000......
Modern,slightly askew Americanadiana. With a big schmear of rock.
21 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Americana, BLUES: Rockin'' Blues
January 2007 finds the Dir......
Royalty free Sound effects Typewriter mechanically normal
WAV file format download - sound art in cooperation with sound-pool24.
License reference: wbr_3599 -...