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"Christians" downloads in pop

Thumbnail MP3 Jay Spears - Playin' On My Team

Mp3 Jay Spears - Playin' On My Team

Here''s Jay''s second album of smart, fun, heartfelt love songs --- about other guys. Fun grooves, extra-crispy guitars, juicy harmonies...
37.6 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Jeremy Atkins - Walk With You

Mp3 Jeremy Atkins - Walk With You

Soothing Contemporary Christian piano ballads and medium Christian Rock songs. 10 MP3 Songs POP: Piano, ROCK: Acoustic Details: After on and off songwrit......
41.5 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 christianalexander - techtronics

Mp3 Christianalexander - Techtronics

popwithelectronicproduction 10 MP3 Songs POP: with Electronic Production, ELECTRONIC: Techno Details: Christian Alexander is the Finalist in the July 20......
36.5 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Jimmy Dooley - Jesus Music

Mp3 Jimmy Dooley - Jesus Music

Encouraging & Inspiring songwriting with a pop/country sound with a soulful twist. 12 MP3 Songs in this album (44:45) ! Related styles:...
12 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Alesia House - Teach Me To Walk

Mp3 Alesia House - Teach Me To Walk

The debut propose from this singer-songwriter packs lots of praise-filled, soul-searching pop and ballad tunes bolstered with rigorous outspoken harmonies...
44 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 AmberJane - Closer

Mp3 Amberjane - Closer

AmberJane has some of the most dear echt revere songs you'll ever hear. 14 MP3 Songs POP: with Live-band Production, GOSPEL: Contemporary...
57.7 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Emitter - Melody

Mp3 Emitter - Melody

Pop music that will satisfy all of your rock cravings. Great lyrics and hooking melodies. 4 MP3 Songs POP: Power Pop, ROCK:...
17.3 MB

3.96 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Jim Black - 'til then...

Mp3 Jim Black - 'til Then...

Recorded with David Santos (Bass - Billy Joel), Shawn Fichter (drums - Trisha Yearwood), Dennis Burnside (keyboard), and Michael Foster...
40 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Joe Snare - Love Came On

Mp3 Joe Snare - Love Came On

Spiritual pop-rock that doesn''t preach to the choir, recalling a more spontaneous, less calculated era of good-time rock. 10 MP3 Songs POP:...
36 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Steady On - POP: Folky Pop

Mp3 Steady On - Pop: Folky Pop

A dynamic selection of pop Christian music ranging from folk acoustic ballads to aggressive pop rock. With an ever present...
46.1 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Wayne Turner - Love Notions

Mp3 Wayne Turner - Love Notions

Love songs for the different stages of falling in and out of love. 13 MP3 Songs POP: 80''s Pop, URBAN/R&B: R&B Pop...
53 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Craig Whittaker - Common Ground

Mp3 Craig Whittaker - Common Ground

Contemporary pop and rock Christian inviting all Christians to find a common ground in our faith 11 MP3 Songs POP: with Live-band...
45.1 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Isaac Everett - Rotation

Mp3 Isaac Everett - Rotation

Blending electronica, rock, jazz, traditional middle eastern, and chamber music with ancient liturgical texts and melodies, Rotation is a fresh...
38.5 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Katy Kinard - You're Still Better

Mp3 Katy Kinard - You're Still Better

Contemplative Pop/Rock 11 MP3 Songs POP: Folky Pop, ROCK: Acoustic Details: Singer, pianist, and songwriter Katy Kinard isn''t content leaving questions ......
40.6 MB

8.99 USD

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