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Jazz, Blues, Funk
Rap, Hip Hop
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"Hip-hop||rap Hyphy" downloads in rnb, soul

Thumbnail MP3 K-Trik-E - I'm Dat Dude

Mp3 K-trik-e - I'm Dat Dude

Ride music - R&B, Hip Hop, with some Bay area Hyphiness for the Headbobbers. Versatile flow patterns on each track...
39.7 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Jaedelle - The Baytrix

Mp3 Jaedelle - The Baytrix

Jaedelle breaks the mold of todays R&B artists with daring and edgy lyrics with a soulful angelic delivery. ''The Baytrix''...
17 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Stuntman - Hm3k

Mp3 Stuntman - Hm3k

This is a classic example of hip hop and street mixed into a chemical creation in the industry where wordplay...
46.1 MB

8.99 USD

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