Big Truck Sound Effect.wav (0:36) A big truck idling, revving and eventually driving off. Includes diesel engine and airbrake sounds. Delivered in CD quality... Sample Download 9.95 USD X The seller big-fat-audio offers you 10.0% on each sale!
Van Drive-by (sound Effect).wav (0:09) VAN SOUND: A large van / truck drives past. Deep engine sounds - typical roadside ambience. Delivered in CD... Sample Download 6.95 USD X The seller big-fat-audio offers you 10.0% on each sale!
Bottle Truck Sound Effect (1:12) Loading / unloading gas bottles from an open-back truck. Clear banging, clunking, metal clanging and movement sounds on the... Sample Download 9.95 USD X The seller big-fat-audio offers you 10.0% on each sale!
Truck Drive-by (sound Effect).wav PASSING TRUCK SOUND: A truck / van driving past. A clear, stereo recording delivered in CD quality WAV format (preview... Sample Download 6.95 USD X The seller big-fat-audio offers you 10.0% on each sale!
Hydraulic Lift (sound Effect).wav (0:32) HYDRAULIC LIFT / TAIL LIFT SOUND: The sounds of a lift at the rear of a large truck. A... Sample Download 9.95 USD X The seller big-fat-audio offers you 10.0% on each sale!
Removal Van (sound Effect).wav (3:00) REMOVAL SOUNDS: Removal men unloading a large truck. Loud bangs, thuds and sliding sounds as they wheel heavy goods... Sample Download 9.95 USD X The seller big-fat-audio offers you 10.0% on each sale!
Delivery Truck Sound Effect.wav (0:45) Loading / unloading a large truck: Includes bangs, doors slamming, boxes being shifted and goods being moved around.... Sample Download 9.95 USD X The seller big-fat-audio offers you 10.0% on each sale!
Industrial Walk-in Chiller Fridge Freezer (sfx Sound Effect) This 60" file was recorded in the back of a freezer lorry that delivers ice creams to restaurants. It starts... Sample Download 8.00 USD X The seller sevenleaf offers you 5.0% on each sale!