Hyphy with my grown man on.
18 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: Rap, HIP HOP/RAP: West Coast Rap
Inovator, artist, o.g., rapper, rock-star, gangstar,...
Sac-Town''https://www.tradebit .comp, menacing voice, almost sticky. Traditional but innovative, hardcore rap style/Hip Hop along with something to dance to. ......
West Coast Mob Sh#t...D.A.P. Productions introduces it''s newest addition to the family...ThugMob Records
19 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: Hardcore Rap, HIP HOP/RAP:...
"...another blazin'', sizzlin'' gansta sound out of the Midwest." https://www.tradebit.comcter HOT 103JAMZ
16 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: Hardcore Rap, HIP HOP/R......
this album is gansta/hardcore christian rap--album https://www.tradebit.come dogg,young blaze ,nina mac, etc
16 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: West Coast Rap, HIP H......