Macabre, witty, and melodic Americana, with songs about saints, silent-film actresses, body disposal, religious visions, the difficulty of picking up...
"Sadhana" is alternative country fused with an album-rock sentimentality, imagery-laced lyrics, and stylistically ambivalent expressions of Americana, genera......
Traditional Country Gospel with bluegrass spice
14 MP3 Songs
COUNTRY: Traditional Country, COUNTRY: Western
David is accompanied on this album b......
Artie Johnson,Singer, Songwriter, and Storyteller
12 MP3 Songs
COUNTRY: Country Blues, FOLK: Traditional Folk
Artie Johnson, Singer, Songwriter ......
Modern country, country pop, country swing. Fun. Great pedal steel guitar and fiddle.
4 MP3 Songs
COUNTRY: Western Swing, COUNTRY: Modern Country
This Master Guitarist combines jazzy blues riffs with Country Rock and compelling, thoughtful lyrics.
11 MP3 Songs
COUNTRY: Country Rock, BLUES: Jazzy...