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"Noise Collage" downloads in hard rock

Thumbnail MP3 Dem imonde - Nyctalopia

Mp3 Dem Imonde - Nyctalopia

This 3 member straightedge band plays a style of alternative / experimental / indie music branded "IntelaRock". 7 MP3 Songs in...
7 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Magonia - Dolphin

Mp3 Magonia - Dolphin

Experimental instrumental music that mutates the traditional boundaries of guitar, bass, and drums. 14 MP3 Songs in this album (53:01) ! Related...
14 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Magonia - Frogman

Mp3 Magonia - Frogman

Experimental instrumental music that mutates the traditional boundaries of guitar, bass, and drums. 13 MP3 Songs in this album (44:18) ! Related...
13 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Magonia - Dust

Mp3 Magonia - Dust

Experimental instrumental music that mutates the traditional boundaries of guitar, bass, and drums. 7 MP3 Songs in this album (26:57) ! Related...
7 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Magonia - Sonar

Mp3 Magonia - Sonar

Experimental instrumental music that mutates the traditional boundaries of guitar, bass, and drums. 19 MP3 Songs in this album (57:38) ! Related...
19 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Magonia - Orchid

Mp3 Magonia - Orchid

Experimental instrumental music that mutates the traditional boundaries of guitar, bass, and drums. 11 MP3 Songs in this album (47:05) ! Related...
11 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Blue2Noise - Shapes and Lines

Mp3 Blue2noise - Shapes And Lines

Sometimes moody but always engaging, NYC veterans offer a generous serving of carefully-crafted indie-pop, telling a story with its vast...
72.1 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Frank Raven - The Sadness Of Winter

Mp3 Frank Raven - The Sadness Of Winter

instrumental heavy mood music featuring guitar sax & flute 5 MP3 Songs ROCK: Instrumental Rock, ELECTRONIC: Soundscapes Details: Flipside Magazine printe......
22.7 MB

4.95 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Kidameln - The Kidameln Lo-fi

Mp3 Kidameln - The Kidameln Lo-fi

"...Like an upbeat Seattle grunge band, with all the darkness you love without the attitude that killed the genre, Kidameln...
27.9 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 shake faithful - empathy

Mp3 Shake Faithful - Empathy

Eminently accessible music culls inspiration from perennial populist favorites like Beatles, Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Nirvana (witness the slip-sliding...
56.4 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Rick Dakotah - Existence

Mp3 Rick Dakotah - Existence

Psychedelic, noise rock with the rough guitar edge of hard rock- sometimes rocking, sometimes dark and brooding. 14 MP3 Songs ROCK: Psychedelic,...
58 MB

8.99 USD

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