Alterna-Pop tunes from the fertile musical garden of California''s Central Valley. Big harmonies, great melodies, quirky changes and lyrics, combine...
Sonic and emotive Indie-pop
13 MP3 Songs
POP: Pop Underground, POP: British Pop
"Tea For Julie''s debut is one of the strongest self-released...
Introducing a one guitar solo in adaptation themes of the Beatles'' music.
25 MP3 Songs
POP: Beatles-pop, POP: British Pop
With their music,...
Strong, driving rock/pop music featuring classic songs, great productions and a superb voice
19 MP3 Songs
POP: Power Pop, POP: British Pop
British-influenced modern pop rock.
12 MP3 Songs
POP: Pop/Rock, POP: British Pop
Show all album songs: The Humming Field Songs
The Humming Field is...
Post-Beatle-era George Harrison Music.
10 MP3 Songs
POP: Beatles-pop, POP: British Pop
Details: has been created for Beatles fans ......