MP3 ringtone created by Ringtone Records, the world's first Ringtone Record Label dedicated to original ringtones.
1. 40 Oz. Tequila Driver Ringtone by Ringtone Records
2. Aye Papi Ringtone by Ringtone Records
3. Aye Yae Yae Yai Ringtone by Ringtone Records
4. Cougar Cat Girl Ringtone by Ringtone Records
5. G G G Goal Ringtone by Ringtone Records
6. I Hate That Boy Ringtone by Ringtone Records
7. I Hate That Girl Ringtone by Ringtone Records
8. I Want To Pump Iron Ringtone by Ringtone Records
10. Money Drop Ringtone by Ringtone Records
11. Monster Goal Ringtone by Ringtone Records
12. Orale odelay Ringtone by Ringtone Records
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