This collection contains the following products:
Split Frequency Healing using Pixelmator
Creating background patterns in Pixelmator
Creating water with a......
1. Dodge and Burn tools in Pixelmator
2. Coloring a sketch using Pixelmator
3. Red eye removal in Pixelmator
4. Smudge tool in Pixelmator
5. Reflections in Pixelmator
6. A Dramatic Typography Portrait In Just A Few Ea...
7. Sectioning an image in Pixelmator
8. Antique Wall Sketch in Pixelmator
9. The Poirot Effect in Pixelmator
10. Effective Text in Pixelmator Part 1
11. Effective Text in Pixelmator Part 2
12. Effective Text in Pixelmator Part 3
.:oO more Oo:.
315.43 MB
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