Italian acoustic pop.
12 MP3 Songs
POP: Italian Pop, WORLD: Mediterranean
La biografia di Pasquale Manduca e'' simile a quella di tanti giovani...
World pop music influenced by French, Greek, Latin, American, Religious, Judaica, Singer/songwriter, Arabic, Persian, Cabaret, Catholicism, music for the 21st...
Pop-influenced solo piano, laced with occasional touches of cello, fretless bass and synths.
17 MP3 Songs
POP: Piano, NEW AGE: New Age
Greek songs acoustic electric.
11 MP3 Songs
POP: Folky Pop, ROCK: Ska
Kostis Maraveyas, a versatile artist & original member of the Mediterranean...
Raw, theatrical chamber pop about identity, power, and destructive desire.
11 MP3 Songs
POP: Chamber Pop, ROCK: Experimental Rock
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