Music composed for soundtracks of Italian editions of mute films, for television and independent movies.
24 MP3 Songs
CLASSICAL: Minimalism, CLASSICAL: Orch......
4 Orchestral Scores from Short Films. FANTASY/THRILLER/HORROR/COMEDY
34 MP3 Songs
CLASSICAL: Orchestral, CLASSICAL: Contemporary
Music from 4 sh......
New music for old-fashioned player piano rolls
23 MP3 Songs in this album (76:03) !
Related styles: CLASSICAL: Contemporary, CLASSICAL: Piano solo
Original Music from Films that were never released, never finished, or never even started.
47 MP3 Songs
CLASSICAL: Orchestral, EASY LISTENING: Musicals/Broa......
Romantic Orchestral/Acoustic Rock Melodies
18 MP3 Songs
CLASSICAL: Orchestral, ROCK: Acoustic
PURITY won The Gold Medal for Excellence - Directo......
Brian Crain''s newest album with cellist Yujeong Lee
15 MP3 Songs
CLASSICAL: Contemporary, CLASSICAL: New Age
Brian was born in Hollywood, Calif......
Film Score for the Motion Picture, AURORA, Directed by Christopher Kulikowski
24 MP3 Songs
CLASSICAL: Contemporary, CLASSICAL: Orchestral
A Mess......