A fresh, raw, mystical, improvisational and personal exploration of sound and meaning utilizing various styles including experimental forms and humor.
Mixed genre, blues, rock, acoustic & ballads
13 MP3 Songs
EASY LISTENING: Soft Rock, ROCK: Acoustic
''Music United For Animals'' is a collection...
Contemporary classically romantic original piano pieces.
13 MP3 Songs in this album (44:36) !
Related styles: EASY LISTENING: Mood Music, CLASSICAL: Keyboard...
Horror soundtrack, designed to scare the bageesus out of the trick or treaters...and you too.
1 MP3 Songs
KIDS/FAMILY: General Children''s Music
Theatrical, piano led ballads of loss with 4 part harmonies.
15 MP3 Songs
EASY LISTENING: Crooners/Vocals, POP: British Pop
Theghostorchestra ar......
Movie Sound Effects and Freaky music
44 MP3 Songs
EASY LISTENING: Background Music, ELECTRONIC: Soundscapes
This is a Great bunch of Sound Effects...
Easy listening
12 MP3 Songs in this album (43:23) !
Related styles: EASY LISTENING: Crooners/Vocals, EASY LISTENING: Musicals/Broadway
People who are inter......