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"Spiritual Jewish Folk" downloads

Thumbnail MP3 Shir Synergy - Sing a Song

Mp3 Shir Synergy - Sing A Song

"Sing a Song" is an engaging and lively collection of original children''s songs performed by Shir Synergy, a Jewish music...
17 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Aryeh Naftaly - Tohar

Mp3 Aryeh Naftaly - Tohar

Acoustic Jewish Soul music - spiritual, personal poetry set to percolating percussion, soothing vocals, warm woodwinds and Aryeh''s unique fingerstyle...
43.5 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Daydreamer - Zion - EP

Mp3 Daydreamer - Zion - Ep

A musical journey to the depths of the heart and soul, with themes of surrender, joy and hope; are you...
5 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Juliet Spitzer - Shifting Edge

Mp3 Juliet Spitzer - Shifting Edge

A little jazz, a little more folk, a taste of reggae---straight from the soul. 13 MP3 Songs FOLK: Gentle, SPIRITUAL: Judaica Details: These songs...
51.5 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Lisa Miriam Silver - Mosaic

Mp3 Lisa Miriam Silver - Mosaic

Liturgical pieces and Jewish themed music in a variety of uplifting and inspiring original settings written and sung by Grammy-nominated...
25.6 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Beth Schafer - Lev b'Lev

Mp3 Beth Schafer - Lev B'lev

Folk music for the Jewish soul. Heart-stirring lyrics, smooth vocals and great guitar playing make this CD a great listen...
37.5 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Maya Raviv - To the Eagle

Mp3 Maya Raviv - To The Eagle

A powerful spiritual journey of human voice and violin performing ancient Hebrew prayers(original texts with English translations in booklet). 10 MP3...
36.7 MB

8.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Robbie Solomon - Forever Blessed

Mp3 Robbie Solomon - Forever Blessed

Original Jewish liturgical music by Cantor Robbie Solomon beautifully sung and orchestrated in a variety of styles from traditional chazzanut...
36.1 MB

8.99 USD

Similar tags: debbie friedmanfolk folk-rockmp3 albumrock folksolo female artistspiritualspiritual hebrewspiritual jewish folkspiritual judaicaspiritual: jewish folkspiritual: judaicaspiritual: praise & worshiptype: acoustictype: vocalworld klezmerworld yiddishworld: world traditions Top tags: sound effectsgames shopservice repair manualyamaha