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Classic Literature: Welcome to the classic literature tag area. Are you eager to explore the works of William Shakespeare? Are you looking for works by such notable literature figures as the Bronte sisters or Francis Bacon? We are proud to offer literature from the finest masters of the genre. All of the works featured in the classic literature area are available for instant download upon payment. Spend the evening with the thrills of Edgar Allan Poe. Watch the fall and rise of humanity in Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. Search our exciting and esteemed collection through the tags provided below or utilize the search function.

"Classic Literature" downloads

Thumbnail Heidi by Johanna Spyri

Heidi By Johanna Spyri

Excerpt: GOING UP TO THE ALM-UNCLE The little old town of Mayenfeld is charmingly situated. From it a footpath leads through green, wellwooded stretches...

4.99 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Lynn Stokes - The Sol Surfers

Mp3 Lynn Stokes - The Sol Surfers

Classic soul meets story telling surf rock. 7 MP3 Songs ROCK: Classic Rock, ROCK: American Trad Rock Details: My name is Lynn Matthew Stokes....
31.7 MB

6.93 USD
Thumbnail MP3 Haiku - Brainstorms

Mp3 Haiku - Brainstorms

Insightful lyrics over nice production. Haiku continues in the tradition initially set by Galopagos4 artist''s Typical Cats and Offwhyte. High...
52 MB

8.99 USD

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